For now the force powers she gained after leaving the Order have simply been crossed out. I think I'm just going to remove or rewrite that section later. [hider=my thoughts] You make a fair point. However...No sharper at all? That seems a little weird. Well... to me at least. From what I can tell, manipulating the Force appears to be a skill or muscle. It improves with practice and weakens from disuse. You typically get better at tasks you do more of, not worse. Neith didn't stop using the Force altogether after she left the Order, so I could understand some of her abilities stagnating as a result of disuse, but some of her force abilities were used quite liberally, especially Mind Trick and Telekinesis. While it wasn't combat-related experience or sanctioned training from the Order, I have a hard time imagining her those skills wouldn't have improved at all. I could be dead wrong, but that's my sense of things at least. [/hider] Backstory regarding faking her own death may need a rewrite as well.