[center][@Danvers], [color=lime]Alive[/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c7/18/85/c71885c136ab7af9bd527ec6e948923c.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=f6989d][h3]Liliana 'Lily' Blackwood[/h3][/color][/center] [center]Female | 17 | Riverman[/center] [hr] [b][color=f6989d]Birthplace:[/color][/b] Ravenwood Hall [b][color=f6989d]Allegiances: [/color][/b]House Blackwood, House Tully, House Landry [b][color=f6989d]Occupation:[/color] [/b]Noble [b][color=f6989d]Relationship Status:[/color] [/b]Single [b][color=f6989d]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Heterosexual [b][color=f6989d]Religion: [/color][/b]Old Gods of the Forest [hr] [h2][i][color=f6989d]History[/color][/i][/h2] [hider]The youngest of three siblings, Liliana was succeeded by two older brothers – Rodrik and Bastian, who were 4 and 2 years her elders, respectively. Although she was [i]only[/i] a girl, Liliana was doted on by both her mother and father. Their family was a happy one and the three young Blackwoods spent their early childhood peacefully. Liliana was particularly fond of her father and would follow him around, so much so that he took to nicknaming her his ‘little shadow.’ Growing up with two older brothers as models of behaviour, Lily was a rambunctious child, always wanting to play with them and sulking when not allowed to handle a wooden sword or practice bow. Her mother tried feverently to get her actually try in her lessons with their septa, but the only things she ever really liked were dancing and reading (though she mostly prefered the adventure tales). Sadly their happiness was not to last. When Liliana was nine, her father became sick and although her uncles sent for many different maesters, none could figure out what ailed him. He fought against it well though and lingered on for two long years before eventually drifting away with the help of milk of the poppy. Although her mother was still around, she was not the same after the death of Howard Blackwood. She eventually remarried out of necessity, needing gold to help keep their home afloat and having children still too young to be of much help. But her husband was old, drunk and foul-tempered. No match for a beloved father and husband. Barely entering society anymore and often needing to take to her sickbed, her mother became a shell of her former self. Liliana became furious at her – for abandoning her and leaving her to the charge of a man who cared little for any of the children. At first he would often try to run away, though she was ultimately just a child and never managed to get very far before they caught her. When she was thirteen, a girl by the name of Ariella Landry came to live with them at Raventree hall. Set to be married to her eldest brother Rodrik, who by this time was close to reaching the status of Knight, she spent two years with the family, who overall seemed to be fond of the girl. Yet Lilianas world was turned upside down once more, when her dear brother Rodrik was killed during a joust. With Bastian off squiring with the Lollistons, she took to spending much of her time with Tytos Blackwoods children. Her mother became even more absent and her husband more angry. It soon became generally agreed that Lily was of an age where she should make a suitable marriage, and with the failed union between Blackwoods and Landrys still hanging over their shoulders, it was decided that she was to be bethrothed to their second son. Once she would have fought against such a proposal but although she loved Raventree Hall and her uncles family, she was afraid of her mothers new husband and was now grieving for two of her kin. So six months ago, she went...with only a few grumbles of complaint.[/hider] [h2][i][color=f6989d]Personality[/color][/i][/h2] [hider] On the surface, Liliana is enthusiastic and bold. Quick to laugh, she is sociable with mostly everyone she meets, not finding it difficulty to get along with others. A natural extrovert, she does not like to be alone and can often be easily distracted from the task at hand. This behaviour even extends to servants and she will often find herself joking around with the stablehands or serving girls. She is always toeing the line of what she can get away with, gently testing others boundaries. Of course, this doesn't come without its risks and she often finds herself in trouble. Luckily for her, she can talk herself out of nearly any situation. That or shoot them one of her renowned (at least amongst the Blackwood family) [i]'please don't kill me'[/i] smiles. Liliana also has a love for animals and can often be found feeding the dogs or brushing the horses. She also has a fondness for birds, which may in part be due to the thousands of ravens that would flock to the dead weirwood at Raventree hall. Being with animals has become a solace to her during the mourning of both her father and brother, having few others to go to at this time. Yet, despite the air of nonchalance that she likes to give of, she does worry about her future and this new role she has been thrust into. After having watched her parents be in love for many years, she fears being in a loveless marriage and dreams of being whisked off on some grand adventure, rather than submitting to the dreary duties of a Lady. [/hider] [color=f6989d][i][h2]Appearance[/h2][/i][/color] [hider][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/40e266e514bb873b3dd6479d5a16529e/tumblr_pj8ajx9Yzd1rie27io1_500.gif[/img] At 5'4 in height, Liliana is slightly below average for a female of her age...though that's nothing that standing on her tiptoes can't fix. A skinny child, only recently over the past year has she begun to grow into her body, developing the so desired after curves, though still maintaining a rather lithe figure. As she grows, she is often compared to the renowned Melissa Blackwood, which only serves to amuse Liliana, given Melissas history. She has a mess of long brunette hair that she wears in varying styles, from curls, to plaits, to braids. Having her hair done was one of the few times she would voluntarily sit down as a child and as she got older, she loved to plait her younger nieces hair. Lily has a few freckles smattered across the bridge of her nose and cheeks, which are only accentuated by the pale ivory of her skin. Her eye colour is a deep brown colour. As a female, she is generally expected to where simple dresses when at home, though will get dressed up more formally when required. She genrally prefers not to wear much jewellrey on a day-to-day basis. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Liliana's Relationships][center][hider=Key]⚜ Respects ||| ☯ Neutral ||| ☮ Friends ||| ♫ Close Friends ||| § Tense ||| ♥ Interested ||| ⚤ Significant Other ||| ☠ Enemies ||| ♦ Unsure[/hider][color=EBE957]⚜☯[b]Edwyn Landry[/b]☯⚜[/color] Liliana had only known a little of Edwyn and his family prior to her becoming a ward of theirs. Although she has yet to have much interaction with the Lord, he has been respectful and welcoming to her so far. Despite being much quieter, his duty towards his people reminds her of her own father, which she appreciates. Still a newcomer to his home, she has been uncharacteristically formal to him so far, though hopes she will be able to share a few more words with him in the future. [color=026aff]☯[b]Priscilla Landry[/b]☯[/color] On initially meeting Lady Landry, Lilliana could not help but feel a bit intimidated by her fierce loyalty towards her family. However, providing such a stark contrast with her own mother, Lilliana has begun to warm towards Priscilla, although they have not yet had many chances to get to know one another. [color=73c6b6]☯[b]Ariella Landry[/b]☯[/color] Although Ariella did live with the Blackwoods at Raventree Hall for two years, Liliana only really saw her as Rodrik’s betrothed at the time and mostly left the two alone. That, or teased Rodrik mercilessly about it. They did share a few conversations and moments together however, and Liliana liked her well enough. She hopes to get to know her better now she has moved to Fallow Hill, particularly because she is the only sister amongst a family of boys. [color=AED6F1]☯[b]Morgain Landry[/b]☯[/color] Morgain unfortunately disappeared before Lilliana came to Fallow Hill, therefore she has never met the once heir. Naturally, she had heard talk of Morgain and his father amongst some of the other noble families and knows that he was generally viewed as a promising and charismatic leader. She feels sorrow for the Landry family that they have lost one of their own, knowing herself too keenly what that feels like. [color=coral]⚤☯[b] Edmund Landry[/b]☯⚤[/color] It is bewildering to Lilliana how much people start to tell you about someone once you are betrothed to them. But she is trying to refrain judgement until she can get to know more about him. As of yet, the few conversations they have had have mostly been formalities and polite enquiries, however she is keen to get past that and to actually find out more about him. She does fear what will happen if they don’t get along but isn’t one to dwell too much on this. He is also very tall. ☯[b]William Landry[/b]☯ As William left to squire with the Redforts long before she arrived at Fallow Hill, Liliana has never met the boy. She does hope that she’ll be able to meet him one day as he sounds similar in many ways to her brother Bastian. [color=#7FFFD4]☯[b]Ashton Landry [/b]☯[/color] Lilliana has not had much opportunity to talk to the youngest Landry as of yet, however he has been pleasant enough to her so far. Apart from the occassional prank...for which she has sworn to get revenge. As the baby of her own family, she knows that it is like to be overshadowed by your siblings and has a suspicion that they are likely to get along. Or at least she hopes. [color=00a651]☯[b]Ser Baldric Durant[/b]☯[/color] Once again, the man is basically a stranger to her. New to the family and having little excuse to go into the training yard, she has had few reasons to talk to him on a day-to-day basis. He seems commited to the Landry family though and a good master-at-arms, for which Lilliana feels must earn him a degree of natural respect. [color=FF4444]☯[b]Robert Rivers[/b]☯[/color] They have had little in way of interaction so far, however he seems to be amiable and easy to get along with. She appreciates someone who can joke around and not always take everything seriously. Other than that, she is unsure how much of a relationship they will have but is open to getting to know him. She also hopes that he will allow her to pet his crow one day.[/center][/hider]