In the depths of a nameless lake lurked a creature. Forever hungry, it lured unfortunate travellers into its domain, devouring them without a second thought. This was the way of the Näkki, the Nøkken, the Nixie. Once drowned in the most gruesome ways, these former humans now plagued the thousands pure-water lakes of Fennoscandia, mere ghosts of their previous selves. Children were their favourite. They were so fresh and innocent and easy to persuade. Still, the Näkki didn't discriminate. All human flesh was just as delicious, and as it happened, it had been a while since this particular one had had a hefty meal. Hair long and deep green like the kelp of the sea, a vaguely humanoid figure nested at the bottom of the lake, merely waiting for her prey. A ripple in the water - small disturbance the creature noticed at once with its keen senses - alerted it. The creature of the lake opened its big, fishy eyes and began swimming swiftly towards the shore, webbed, bony fingers helping it along. There it was. [i]A figure on the surface.[/i] Someone, just waiting for the lake creature to snatch them under the surface. To lure it for a swim. A man with curly brown hair was staring back at his reflection on the surface of the lake. His eyes were blue and tortured like the endless depths of the Finnish lakes. The nøkken swam closer, so quiet it didn't disturb the surface. It stopped just below the surface, its icy gray eyes and bony yet female-like visage curiously staring at the man, emerging in the place of his reflection like an eerie mirage.