Flavia couldn’t help but smirk. This was the first time she had to get her hands dirty in a long time. Well potentially anyways but the thought of it was enough to get her existed. “[color=B8860B]What? Janus couldn’t ask those Fighter’s Guild white hats to do his work for him? Always the mercenary that has to get their hands dirty huh? Well more work for us then.[/color]” She gave her companions for the trip a good look. First he gave Kalon a good look over. The self proclaimed Daedra hunter. She didn’t doubt him though. There were plenty of those Vigilant of Stendarr fanatics roaming the countryside. She even got into a drunk brawl with one or two of them once. Something about him just seemed off. Then she turned eyes towards the skittish Dunmer next to her. He had some years to him but Mer folk lived for hundreds of years. Still his eyes looked tired and haunted. He wouldn’t be a problem. Not a challenge for the former legionary. Then her eyes came upon Jarett. ‘[i]Ah Jarett[/i]’ She thought to herself. Something about his innocence always annoyed her. The little comment he made when he entered the room made her blood boil. If she had to spend the entire trip with him, there was no telling what she would do. Then she darted a look at Illya. The Breton archer. The only other woman who’d be accompanying her on the trip and Flavia wasn’t even sure if she could talk to her. She seemed more of the loner and earnest type. Illya and Flavia shared a look for a split second and Illya quickly broke it. Flavia then studied Hunts-in-Darkness, the Argonian she’s seen around a few times before. She’s seen him around the tavern’s before. Seems like the cheerful type. Maybe he would make for good conversation along the trip. At least she wouldn’t be dull throughout the trip. Then came Cowl in her view. The young mage. She never trusted mages outside of the college. Even ones that were in the college was starting to cast suspicion on themselves. However he was a true mercenary. One that had no qualms about actions needed to be done, so long as the money was good. If push came to shove, both Flavia and Cowl would have to do the dirty deed. She knew none of the others were willing to do so. Finally her eyes came upon the son of Quintus. Her co-commander in this mission. The fresh faced prince of the Skingrad Company. She stood and walked over in front of him. Sizing up Adrian with her eyes. “[color=B8860B]Think you could hold your own boy?[/color]” She asked with an intimidating grin on her cold and menacing face. Her competition for the mercenary group going along with her. She knew she was expected to show him the ropes. Flavia wasn’t going to give him a good time just because he was the boss’ son. He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead he looked back at the group. “[color=B8860B]Listen up![/color]” Flavia called everybody’s attention. “[color=B8860B]Pack light. Only grab your clothes and gear. Whatever food we’re going to eat, we’ll buy or hunt. We wont be gone for more than a few days so do not haul like you’re moving houses. Now go and pack. Be back here in an hour and we’ll set off. No excuses people. Hop to it.[/color]” She barked her orders as if legionaries were still standing in fromt of her. They may have been mercenaries but they were better than the ordinary brigand rabble. Flavia wanted discipline from them and she would make sure that they gave it.