Ryleth was far from bothered when the flames came. They simply washed over his wards. Even the attack from the canopy did not mind him. He simply took a step back to dodge the strike. Then he heard the screams. Those infernal screams behind him. He turned around to see the Seeker burned by the flames. “Fools.” He whispered as he wove his enchantment. Seconds later a wave of chill passed over the flames. Extinguishing them. Still, the Seeker looked like she was mortally harmed. At the same time two phantasms struck the ground next to Ryleth. Ryleth himself turned to the Keeper, the Slave and where he assumed the Leader was as well. [b]“You’re all fools for attacking a necromancer here. This forest is not a serene sanctuary. This is nature’s battlefield. You walk on thousands of corpses.”[/b] As he finished, the ground around him broke. From the depths of the earth a figure crawled. It looked humanoid but it was far from human. The first to stand up was also the greatest. A massive creature with a cave bear skull. Its limbs and chest were made from fused bone. Blue candle flames burned in its eye sockets. Rotten hide covered its back and it held two axes made from bone and with femurs as handles. Then the other figure appeared from the shadows. She looked the most human-like. With makeshift skin of leaves, bark and barely rotten flesh. At the seams of her supposed skin you could still see a faint blue glow. Her weapon was a bow made from two arms, each holding the end of the string. Even though she looked almost human, there was an ethereal aura surrounding her. [b]“This is your final chance to accept my offer.”[/b] He said as he already pulled out another phylactery. Ready to take the pixie-witch her soul.