After a fair period of deliberation, the eventual entry plan was established: Arthur and Hogan would sneak in via a side-entrance and make their way backstage, whilst Leonard, Laurie, and Mieke would watch the show proper and join the man-croc duo afterwards. With that plan in place, both parties split up, and made their way toward their respective destinations... [@Lugubrious][@LemonZest1337] It took a couple of minutes, but walking round the side of the building would yield results: a door marked “Staff Entrance” that, when entered, led into a relatively quiet part of the building - not to say that it was devoid of activity, with people working behind the scenes ranging from janitors to stagehands, and of course security guards. Suffice to say, whilst sneaking Hogan away from the entrance without being seen was simple enough, but ensuring that he could reasonably be said to have been there all along might get difficult if they weren’t far enough into the building, and if they were discovered too early, things could well turn ugly quickly. [@knifeman][@ProPro][@Old Amsterdam] Naturally, the entrance into the building was far simpler for the group without a crocodile. They had the tickets, showing them to the doorhop wasn’t problematic in the slightest, and whilst they were caught in the press of the crowd for a bit, making their way further in was by no means a problem... at least until they started heading into the main theatre room. It was then that Mieke felt a heavy hand on her shoulder, and a deep voice utter ‘Oi.’ If she or her companions turned to the owner of the voice, they’d see the face of [url=]a man clearly scarred by life[/url] - literally, a stitched-over scar covering his face from cheek to cheek across his nose bone, with a heavy black coat and cigar to boot. In fact, it looked like the cigar had been recently lit and put out, a definite no-no in a building like this, though it didn’t emit any smoke. All told, the man’s glare was nothing if not intimidating... ‘Can ya tell me how ya dyed ya hair that color? It’s [i]gorgeous.[/i]’ Apparently, though, his motives were less than aggressive. Conversation, of course, was always an option, but it seemed he wasn’t really a threat at all if they simply wanted to find their way to their seats.