[B][center][h2]Coleman St. John[/h2][/center][/b] The Harley’s engine ticked over slowly as Kaylee got off. Cole remained seated looking over the carnage outside of the club listening to the uneven swing and pop of the exhaust as she proceeded to lay into Elijah. There was no hiding it any longer. Everything she did was always with purpose and intent. She placed her hand firmly on his back as she got off for a reason. He [i]knew[/i] she could feel his thoughts. His skin felt like it was practically smoldering under his jacket as they turned in at Avalon. Elijah looked at him curiously from over Kaylee’s shoulder, though quickly turned his head as a car approached. Cole wasn’t close enough to hear the conversation, but the answer was already in his mind. [i]Nocturne[/i]. “I’m going to get Una.” He said coldly looking back at Kaylee as she attempted to gather up the rabble of students that came out of the club. A lap of flame snapped around the rear tire and dissipated in a cloud of white smoke that flowed from the squealing protest of painful contact across asphalt. He was gone in the howling rpm break of a single gear change leaving only the sound of unburned fuel detonating against hot steel echoing through the street. The air was dark ahead. Street lamps flickered and died as he approached picking up more speed with each millisecond, much faster than he had driven with Kaylee onboard. The time wasn’t far off. He could only hold it back temporarily until the rage was so undeniable and absolute that it broke over him like a meteor strike. A justice so perfected and final that it was elemental in its purpose, ancient and beyond mortal persuasion or delay. Red and white light danced and blurred together around him as he burst through a patch of heavy traffic around an intersection. A car horn blasted a warning, quickly followed by a siren, but the sound strained to catch up with him. He could feel his heart beating painfully inside his chest, convulsing in rhythm with the unearthly symphony of thunder that was poured out into the night. Nocturne was not far away. He had never been there, but like always he knew where he was going. Flames sparked and curled hatefully around the front tire as a mach cone blinked in screaming red and orange around him exploding through his senses. As the flames came up amidst the deafening chorus of wind and machine so did the same visions that he saw each time, less than fraction of second for each: A woman’s face, sawgrass swaying in the breeze, a city by the water, children playing, the sound of their laughter, a baby crying. Every time he saw them it was the worst, most hollow feeling he could imagine, multiplied a thousand times, like his soul was emptied out and burned into the aether. His grip twisted and pulled against the handlebars unnaturally as a [url=https://static1.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11128/111288694/5287686-2536120332-Ghost.jpg ]terrible call[/url] went out across myriads of realities, seen and unseen, known and unknown. ----------- The lights at Nocturne began to buzz and flicker slightly in the midst of Lex and Ayel’s conversation followed closely by a static hum over the dormant sound system. A feedback spike sounded and static cracked into the ears of the two men until a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4ssDcq2f3U]song[/url] started over the speakers and quickly skipped into [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUqfe_3QO60]another[/url], then [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2wG4CpiA-A]another[/url] before finally settling on [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6QgND6sXbc]one more[/url] that droned out slowly with broken reception as if it were tuned to a station barely within range. The song continued on, broken, but steady until the characteristic sound of a Harley Davidson could be heard approaching. [@Marrok][@Almalthia][@Dezuel]