Making his way into the very back of the building, David saw a woman pinned underneath a blackened metal shelf with her child next to her prone and defenseless form, his small hands trying to vainly claw through the metal in order to save her, and a young woman with short black, shaggy hair crouched down nearby, trying to free the trapped mother. Quickly giving the room a quick once over to make sure no rubble or debris would harm him or the trapped civilians, David allowed time to return to its normal flow. Bending over, he picked up the child, who kicked and screamed in a desperate attempt to free himself from the man's grasp, and turned towards the young woman. "I'll get him to safety." He said through his bandana, nodding to the now coughing child. Focusing his will, David slowed the flow of time to a crawl once more and ran back towards the entrance. Upon setting foot outside, David rushed towards the paramedics that were just now arriving on the scene. Placing the boy in the arms of the nearest one, David sped up time just long enough to say, "Take care of him", before running back into the burning department store.