Making it to the locker had been a godsend, the cool metal on her forehead helped to relieve some of the dizzying sickness that was swimming throughout her body and she reached inside, taking out the small amount of things inside. She felt like she had the worlds worst hangover whilst in the middle of a flu bug. Not appealing. The voices of the people around her seemed to echo inside her brain and she felt a small burp of sickness rise from her throat as she opened the bottle of vodka she took from her locker and swallowed a mouthful, swishing it around to remove the acidic-bile taste from the back of her throat. Once she had better control of herself she turned and leaned her back against the locker, pulling the lapels of her jacket around her more securely. [color=92278f]"You don't need to be smart to figure out we're pretty much out of choices.. We can either stay here and freeze to death - or do what he says and hope for the best."[/color]