[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170609/6993f16961e0f0769efda621e785818a.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=998849]October 31st, 1943 - Continuing[/color][/b][hr][hr][/center] There were a lot of questioning coming towards Management right then but it wasn't anything that Siduri wasn't expecting. Not that she knew what they were going to ask but she was dropping a lot of information on the group, especially the Emendators, right then. Perhaps it was something she should have done centuries ago but she hadn't. She had her own reasons to why she hadn't and there was nothing really to do to change it now. She listened, letting the questions come but not answering as of yet. So many were talking she was ensuring that her speaking would not cut another off. And then two more joined the so called family reunion. She started with the woman who had just come over. [color=D8BFD8]"If someone else wishes to later then so be it but I will not repeat myself,"[/color] she said as she sat there. It was far too much to over and it seemed that she was not sympathetic to someone who just came over being irked. If she worried about such things then she would be worried constantly. Turning her attention to Andromeda, who had been the first to raise a question over all the information she had given Siduri perked a brow. [color=D8BFD8]"You have a knack about you do you not? Yes, she could. Though most are birthed, the Creatures of Dark can evolve from light if a situation presents itself. Her ability over death I fear may have contributed to it. You see, for each one of you she creates, she looses a small part of herself. Perhaps there is little left, or even none at this point."[/color] That was a bit of a bomb to drop on the group. Understanding Gilberts want to know what to do next she looked over to him. [color=D8BFD8]"Well when one does not know which direction to do, there is only one thing to do. Start back at the beginning."[/color] That was a bit vague. Did she mean start back when Evelina started to be more testy and become more moody? When she left? When she came into consciousness? Or something else. [color=D8BFD8]"Sometimes a beginning is merely an end to something else. Think, where do you believe would be prudent to start?[/color] Ben just sat there, smoking his cigarette as he sat on the ground, flicking the ashes away ever so often. There was a bit of a nod towards James as he spoke. She wouldn't give him more and it was good that he didn't ask of it. He seemed, in his own way to understand more than he let onto. It seemed that Sophia had some questions of her own and was willing to give a brief catch up. Siduri waited and then looked to the girl. [color=D8BFD8]"No child, that is not something I would recommend. That is something he chose, that other Emendators will chose come their own time. A chance to live a normal life. One they wished for during their consciousness. He would not know this family if you were to attempt it. He would not be able to understand. Do let him be, he has found a peace we should not darken."[/color]