[B]| BIRTHNAME: |[/B] [INDENT]Jocelyn Yvonne St Claire.[/INDENT] [B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B] [INDENT]Joss or Lynn.[/INDENT] [B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B] [INDENT]Tempest.[/INDENT] [B]| SEX: |[/B] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [B]| AGE: |[/B] [INDENT]19[/INDENT] [B]| APPEARANCE: |[/B] [INDENT][img]https://fepa-philately.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/50-best-auburn-hair-color-ideas-herinterest-auburn-elegant-chestnut-vs-auburn-hair-color.jpg[/img]Joss is tall and lithe but not without curves (36-22-36). She has freckles. She is most often seen in skin tight leggings, graphic tees, crop tops, boots or tennis shoes.[/INDENT] [B]| ABILITIES: |[/B] [INDENT]Atmokinetic or weather manipulation. Joss can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, i.e. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas. There are four main factors of Weather manipulation: Air Manipulation - for wind and related effects. Electricity Manipulation - lightning in all variations. Thermal Manipulation - make it cold or hot. Water Manipulation - rain, snow, fog etc. Joss' power is emotion-based, and therefore it becomes unstable if she gets emotional. At present she is not able to control the weather after she cause the effects to manifest, she is able to use the effects but not cancel them as of yet. She can use effects present already but as of yet is unable to cancel them. Joss is a teenager and hormones are wonky. Her perception of life is skewed as with all teenagers. She has a temper problem and mood swings for her result in weather changes. She loses it if you threaten her friends and family. She also has an overdeveloped sense of justice and any perceived slight to justice, her or a stranger, gets her temper going.[/INDENT] [B]| BIOGRAPHY: |[/B] [INDENT]Joss is a little town country girl from Pilot Grove, MO. Her family owned a farm and she joked that she was probably related to half the town. It was a sleepy little town that really only had a corner store a church and a pool. She was the oldest of four with two brothers behind her, two years and four years younger, and a sister seven years younger than her. Her powers manifested at the age of thirteen when one of the boys in her class wouldn't leave her alone. For weeks he had teased her about her hair, being the only redhead for generations she got a lot of attention, and she'd had enough. After school walking home he finally got under her skin. He knocked her brother over and the sky darkened as she vented her rage verbally. Lightning struck a nearby old silo and the kids scattered. This incident was followed by more. She was pulled out of school when one incident of a microburst blew in windows and she was yet again in a rage. She was recommended to take a martial art and she chose Tai Chi due to the movements. Unfortunately things did not get better. Joss' parents looked into what would help their daughter and they decided to enroll her. [/INDENT] [B]| MISC. NOTES: |[/B] [INDENT]Tai chi (taiji), short for T'ai chi ch'üan, or Taijiquan (pinyin: tàijíquán; 太极拳), is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training and its health benefits. The term taiji refers to a philosophy of the forces of yin and yang, related to the moves. Though originally conceived as a martial art, it is also typically practiced for a variety of other personal reasons: competitive wrestling in the format of pushing hands (tui shou), demonstration competitions and achieving greater longevity. As a result, a multitude of training forms exist, both traditional and modern, which correspond to those aims with differing emphasis. Some training forms of tàijíquán are especially known for being practiced with relatively slow movements.[/INDENT] Chamomile tea