The Gazere man looked at Thaddeus for a moment as if questioning who he was, but finally simply answered. "Gazere General Ashob and Talon General Bishop are with the commanders in the large tent just over there." He pointed in the direction of a larger tent towering over the rest, inside which the two Generals were mixing their strategies together with the commanders, just making sure their tactics would intertwine well with each other. "Sir, we don't need the help of the Catalyst! We can handle this fight ourselves!" One of the commanders yelled out to be heard by all. "I understand that which is why, until further notice the Catalyst are only on back up. We won't be calling on their forces unless it's absolutely necessary. The main concern is the Kuth sightings here in Gazere territory. If the Kuth interfere with operations here, the Catalyst are on standby to move in and deal with them. They are not being used to fend off the EDF assault directly." Another commander called out rather jokingly. "Just like the Kuth to try and get some kills from the sidelines. They've been running from direct confrontation for months now!" "That just means they haven't lost any machines in months. We don't know what kind of forces they have ready to deploy and we aren't taking any chances of letting them take us out here. Watch your backs and your fronts. God be with you." The Gazere commander said something in their native language before crossing both arms over his chest and bowing. The Gazere commanders returned the bow. "Get all machines ready to move, we head out once the Catalyst representative arrives." The commanders stood, saluted and went about their business in the tent, communicating with their squads as well as the Captains on overwatch patrol.