[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180414/59b76bf7b5b78d2bb3d2a7fb86019d1b.png[/img] [img]https://s22.postimg.cc/exf37m2ld/61505d6c13788097b94e810cbf726d2d.png[/img][/center][hr] [center][img]https://i.giphy.com/media/g0bODeYW64djO/giphy.webp[/img][/center][hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@LadyRunic][@KazAlkemi][@ColouredCyan][@eclecticwitch][/center][hr][hr] [color=A41E45]"Ssshh, tout va bien mon amie. C'est pas grave. C'est juste une petite blessure, n'est-ce pas?"[/color] Gambit said to Mary gently, before turning his entire body to face Ayita and Richard. [color=A41E45]"You are NOT going to rip into her at all. Ever. I'll be damned if ya bully Goldie after all of the shit she's already been through today. If you so much as send an unkind glance in her direction, you'll have a card shoved up your ass so far that when it explodes, you'll think it was Hank freaking Pym up there!"[/color] Gambit snapped. [color=007236]"Calm down Remy..."[/color] Mary said softly, looking at him. [color=CFFF5C]"That was a bit harsh don't ya think?"[/color] Rogue asked him, rolling her eyes slightly at that. [color=A41E45]"....Nope,"[/color] Gambit shook his head. [color=A41E45]"He gets it, doesn't he? What a guy'll do for his baby sister."[/color] Gambit had always felt that Mary was the little sister he never had. He had more or less adopted her when she first joined the team, since she was the kid of the group. [color=CFFF5C]"Remy, calm down, you're over reacting just a little bit,"[/color] Rogue said again, Mary had fallen silent, her head was still hurting, but she could have sworn she heard someone talking in her head, but it was strange to her, as the voice sounded a lot like her own, yet slightly different. [color=A41E45]"I ain't mon amie!"[/color] [color=007236]"You kind of are..."[/color] Mary muttered. [color=A41E45]"Ya went through a lot today and ya don't need any crap added onto it."[/color] [color=007236]"A lot of people went through a lot today, and can I just say you yelling is not helping my horrible headache..."[/color] [color=A41E45]"Ya, they did, and I doubt any of them want some half rate Severus Snape tearing into them after it."[/color] [color=007236]"You are such a geek."[/color] [color=A41E45]"Ya say that like it's a bad thing, mon amie."[/color] [color=007236]"It isn't a bad thing..."[/color] she said with a slight eye roll. The main reason she had said that was so that they could get off the topic of arguing and yelling at people. [color=A41E45]"I'm glad ya're okay..."[/color] Gambit said, putting a hand on Mary's shoulder [color=007236]"You worry too much..."[/color] [color=A41E45]"Nah chère, given all that's gone down - here and with Jakobsen - I think I don't worry enough."[/color] [color=007236]"Jakobsen has changed since then..."[/color] she muttered, but she could have sworn that she heard that voice again, it was still strange, no matter what happened. The voice definitely was hers, and she was not liking at all what it was saying or trying to convince her to do. Jean looked over at Ayita when she had made the comment about needing to be fixed up and let out a slight sigh. She was glad that she was actually a medical doctor and at least as qualified to do this sort of thing as Beast was. [color=AB0F0F]"Give me a moment and I'll get to you after I see what we have in terms of hearing aids or something for him,"[/color] she responded, nodding her head towards Neil before she went to see if they had any sort of hearing aids that might work for him. Jean got lucky and found a pair, and helped put them in and get them secured in Neil's ears. [color=AB0F0F]"Can you hear me?"[/color] she asked him, and he'd be able to hear her voice perfectly fine. Lance shot a glare at his father, and despite how ill he was feeling, probably a combination of his head injury and getting a blood transfusion that was really radioactive, he sat up and went to try and get off the bed. Not really wanting to be there at all. Banner gently forced Lance back into bed. [color=8dc73f]"You aren't stable enough yet, buddy. Moving now is not a great idea."[/color] [color=yellow]"Leave me alone!"[/color] Lance snapped at him, getting really pissed off now. [color=8dc73f]"I will once you are fine,"[/color] Banner murmured, continuing to work on him. [color=8dc73f]"Also, Guinevere, get your boyfriend out of your bed before Tony sees and has a fit."[/color] Lance glared at his father, before he tried to blast him with light. Unfortunately, it didn't work to well and resulted in a kind of weird flash of light that wasn't too bright, though something else was off. The light seemed to have a slight greenish tint to it, but it was gone in an instant. [color=8dc73f]"Buddy, not in here okay? A lot of people are badly hurt...."[/color] [color=yellow]"Just go away!"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Not until you're better."[/color] [color=yellow]"Just go, I'm fine!"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Medically speaking, you are not,"[/color] Banner said, continuing to work on his son. [color=yellow]"Yes I am, so stop it and go away!"[/color] he said, before trying to get up again. Banner easily pushed Lance back down into bed. [color=8dc73f]"Stop it or I will restrain you."[/color] [color=yellow]"You are freaking out way too much, honestly, it's just a head injury..."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"And extensive blood loss and potential brain damage."[/color] [color=yellow]"It isn't that bad!"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"You never went to medical school or got a higher degree, Lance, so forgive me if I am not swayed by your opinion buddy."[/color] [color=yellow]"Wow, so nice about the thought that I never did go to college or anything,"[/color] Lance said with an eye roll. [color=8dc73f]"You never seemed interested in it. Surprised you didn't go with Guin - you know the statistics on how people tend to meet spouses in college. You had such a big crush on her,"[/color] Banner smirked a bit. [color=yellow]"Shut up,"[/color] Lance said, trying once again to get up, and ignoring what Banner had said about not getting up. He was really annoyed with Banner, not too mention he never really thought too much about going to any sort of college or university, and the parent who actually was around was not someone he had ever wanted to talk about that sort of thing with. Banner gently pushed Lance back down into bed. [color=8dc73f]"You need to rest,"[/color] he said, before making good on his word, Banner restrained him to the bed. [color=yellow]"No I don't..."[/color] Cyclops had come down stairs as well, following after Allison and the rest of the group. Beast turned to address the newcomers, and hearing Bobbi's words first, he shook his head slightly at her. [color=blue]"Unfortunately, due to your history you are unable to actually act as a blood donor except in emergency's when no other source is available. However Ms. Andrews, you could act as a potential donor for Ms. Reed, so if you would have a seat please,"[/color] he said, pulling up a chair so that she could sit right next to Carolina. [color=3346D5]"This certainly has been an interesting sort of day hasn't it?"[/color] Cyclops mused slightly, leaning up against the wall by the door knowing that he'd likely would just get in the way if he went to attempt to help out. He wasn't exactly the best when it came to anything medical.