Light was one of the earlier members of this party to arrive, having only been a few cities over before being called to Eve's office. She kept her disguise on, a bit unsure if she was supposed to show herself or not, being unsure of what the proper manners was for this kind of thing. But at lest she could sit down in a chair unlike another person who looked like a brick wall of a man. Having a soft drink in her hand from the offer of Eve's assistant, Light occasionally pulled down her bandana to take a sip. If anyone was observant, they'd notice her sharp teeth in those short instances, but the big brick boi was very distracting. Light listened to Eve's reasoning and explanation for inviting them all here. While she didn't fully understand some of the concepts being said, especially the value of the money she was given, she nodded all the same. The crime thing Light wasn't entirely worried about, especially because it sounded like there were a lot of people who needed hugs. She chuckled a little at Eve breaking her desk as it just seemed so unnecessary. [color=6ecff6]"I don't know about the others, but I wouldn't be here if I didn't accept your offer. Just keep me fed and I'm happy~."[/color] Light said, standing up and taking off her wide brimmed hat for a moment to give her a little bow, showing off her blue hair. [color=6ecff6]"Anyone else think this is going to be fun? it sounds fun~!"[/color]