[color=teal][h3]Aava[/h3][/color] [@Kinjaav][@yoyohayli] [hr] Aava wanted to move, but something was restraining her. She tried to tug and force it, but the vaguely familiar figure had her securely grappled. [color=teal]"Ggghhhrrrrrrgghh..."[/color] she gurgled, a sound dry and wet all at once. Her eyes were still firmly fixed on the unfamiliar figure before them, the target of her hunt. [i]'Aava.'[/i] Aava stopped struggling against the grip even though she knew she could break free if she wanted to. The man holding her was weak. But his voice... [i]Not safe to hunt.[/i] Aava had no memory... No concept of what those sounds meant. What the man was saying. Yet she understood completely. It was like language was slowly coming back to her, just bits and parts of it. [i]Almost morning. Back to the lake. 'The lake.'[/i] Aava calmed down completely, her rugged breaths slowing steadily as her poking ribs stuck out from her torso. Aava's bony spine was nested against the man who smelled familiar. This was a friend, something told her so. Aava gazed around with her large eyes frantically, but her body language was more relaxed now, even if she was tangled in hair that was way too long and unmaintained. [i]But... Hungry.[/i] Aava slowly looked back at the man holding her back, her joints cracking as she did so. She opened her mouth, but no coherent words came out. [color=teal]"Ghhhrrhhg...ghgr..?"[/color] [i]No... No hunting? Where... My lake? Our lake?[/i] Aava was pale and skeletally bony, skin and bone, but even when she was so desperately lost something in her was trying to reach out for answers. Words. She knew them, she understood what they meant, but she couldn't... She couldn't form them, make sense of them. They were somewhere inside of her, lost. But they were there somewhere.