Hello! I have been craving a creative outlet and decided to dive back into the world of Roleplaying. The last time I was in an RP forum was in 2013, so it's been a hot minute since I've posted. All of my characters were in sci-fi/fantasy settings. Star Wars, Vampires, Gifted Students, and Wolf RP to be precise. In real life, I work as a Technologist at an animal research facility and I also have my own dog training business. Apart from adulting, I spend a lot of time playing video games (currently playing Ark, Overwatch, and have been getting back into Heroes of the Storm - all games are on PC), binge-watching videos on youtube/Netflix/Crunchyroll, reading, or taking the dogs out for adventures since we live off a mountain range. I am looking forward to getting involved in some fun adventures :) Saix