Rossarm's stony expression was only interrupted by a firm nod before Meesei turned around. He closed the door behind her and that was that. [hr] Narsi fell to the side like a scrambling kitten upon getting struck. She at least managed to frantically get herself back on her feet before Julan could follow up. She looked at Julan's core with her eyes blearing up. She took some paces back to give herself enough room to wipe her eyes and sniff back her running nose. Rhazii's ears twitched at the tiny whimpers she was making despite her raging front. "Uncle Lorag?" Rhazii asked quietly, peered across to their instructor. His ears pinned back with some worry. "Is this the right way to do this?" He glanced at Narsi again and winced, trying to find the right words. "She's...she doesn't look very focussed right now." After cautiously finding an opening, Narsi let out another furious scream. She tried to bob under Julan's arm to jam her practice sword in just below his armpit. She had little inkling as to exactly where the sensitive parts were, though it was as valid a guess as any.