Penelope gave a small nod of agreement with his words. Since things had gone over well, she also believed it'd feel wrong to leave so abruptly. The knight glanced at the thief with a fond expression. Up until their recent trip to the inner kingdom, she had always believed that she'd be the one to part with her friends, family and home. She had even thought their trip to the inner kingdom would be her last chance to even get a glimpse of her home. Even though she never had to follow through with running off with him, the knight had been preparing herself to and could only imagine it was difficult to leave everything behind for a new life. Penelope was glad that Crow was at least given the chance to have a proper goodbye with everything he had known in the outer villages. Due to that, she wanted give Crow as much time as they could spare before they had to leave. She closed her eyes for a brief moment as Crow rested his head against hers. "Alright, if you're sure." she mumbled. Penelope paused, thinking over his suggestion for a moment, before shrugging. "Convincing Mia might take a bit of time but if you want, I could head over there first if you want more time here." The knight gave a small smirk. "I know I'm technically supposed to stick with you since I'm a guard but I'm sure it be fine." Her smirk faded as she let out a soft sigh. "After all, I'm not sure if I'll be able to convince Mia anyways...I'd rather make sure you're able to make the most of the time you do have out here rather than waiting on me when I might not even be able to return with you." she muttered.