[@Artifex] - Excellent to hear. On a separate note since she's been given the okay I put Nettle over in the CS tab. Also, another question: On the front page it states that the rooms where students actually sleep are separated into fifty four-person rooms. Does this mean our characters share their rooms with three other members of their house? If so then a question for everyone is who wants to room with who? Nettle's bed setup is bound to be fairly... Wild, in a manner of speaking. [@ShwiggityShwah] - Of course it can. Nettle may be linked to it as a summoner but she almost never demands anything of it. It is free to pursue whatever interests it. She understands that in the end they both seek a mutual goal and will come together when it matters to seek the path to the Caregiver. She may even sit in on some of their meets if she has time around her other club meetups. While she is primarily focused on expanding her mind to better reach out and explore the space that lay between the realms she does enjoy the company of interesting beings regardless of how cute or scary they are.