"It doesn't matter what name they have. They've had a lot of names." She said in answer to Hirutila. "Annunaki, Dewo, gods, Gentry, it all comes out meaning the same thing in the end; bad news for the rest of us." She hoped the old keyblade order had gotten them all, and it showed in her tone. She was pulled out of her anger when the old guy asked whether she was some sort of Canaanite. She didn't have the best grasp of geography considering that she'd had to learn brands new geography, but she remembered from old Aaron's rambling about bible codes that it might be some biblical place. She wasn't positive, that was his specialty not hers. He also could have been asking if she was a vampire, and that was a whole other can of worms she didn't want to get into. She decided to give a non-committal shrug. "I was born in Nevada. My family moved out there from New York...they had family down in North Carolina..." she answered, throwing her hands to show she didn't know much more than he did. His world probably didn't even have a Nevada. "Before that, I don't know, Africa? That's the safe bet." She figured Africa would have to be universal enough to be a clear reference point regardless of what world line you were from. If there wasn't an Africa something was fundamentally wrong with the foundation of human history. [hr] She felt sorry for Hirutila. She knew what it was like to get a whole lot of new context dumped on you all at once, and she'd been lucky. She'd been young enough to have not experienced a lot of the world, to let truths settle in and calcify into the bones of how you understood reality. She'd been able to flush away the things she'd found to be wrong. The old timer, though, was clearly overwhelmed from trying to take in all this new information. She heard the Emperor try to coax him along, with words of duty, and decided to help out with a bit of pragmatism. She held out her hand and put out a little thought into the universe to call the thing to her hand. There was a flash, and there it was. Perception plus effort equals reality, in a more literal sense than the philosophers back home probably meant it. She showed it off to him. "Besides, if these things are really a threat to this Leo guy he'll probably be after you no matter where you are. I'm still not 100% sold on this whole thing, but I think no matter what comes at us it'd be better to stand together and look it in the eye. When I think about it like that there's no downside to hanging around a little longer, right?" Now, with that out of the way their good host had mentioned something about a library. She whistled, and Snopes stopped playing around and loyally trotted back over to her. She dismissed the blade with another concentrated thought, reached into one of the dinosaurs saddle backs, and pulled out a blue fountain pin that she spun on her finger as she turned to Damianos. "Lead the way to that library, Mr. Wizard. I've got a long night of copying textbooks ahead of me."