The group had split up, despite Leonard's advice, into two groups. Arthur and Hogan would take the backstage prior to the show's beginning, whilst he, Blue, and Mieke would operate from the front as audience members. In terms of a pincer strategy it left much to be desired. There were plenty of exit strategies their quarry could employ in order to escape from his team. But if it kept everyone happy, then he supposed he would just have to deal with the inefficiency. Besides, it had been a while since he was able to sit back and enjoy a show that involved someone [i]else[/i] risking their life. As they worked through the crowd, an imposing man with a scar made contact with Mieke, going so far as to grab her shoulder. His question was as innocuous and friendly as his appearance wasn't, but something still clicked in the back of Leonard's head. Nothing of this man seemed to suggest he was an enemy stand user, but he still most definitely crossed a line by reaching out and grabbing a young girl. Carefully, Leonard turned to the man, making sure to emphasize his impressive physique, and opened his jacket: his concealed gun was plain to see for the scarred man. [color=gold]"I invite you to remove your digits from my acquaintance, whilst you still possess them. Or would you rather learn a difficult lesson in gentlemanly manners?"[/color]