“Serena~...” Aria called upstairs as she strolled inside the shop. She scratched her head after no reply came for a few moments. Shrugging, she went upstairs and knocked on the door twice before opening it slightly, just to peek in. “The carriage will be ready soon, time to get up,” she spoke softly. ————— The carriage driver was the same Nord man that had helped Aria and Cronic evacuate a target of the Miraak Cult to Cyrodiil. He passed the shop after leaving the Bannered Mare. He had a bow and arrows on his person, ready to fight with at any moment. As well as that, he carried a knapsack over his shoulder, likely packed with a few things for the road, in addition to what was already standard on board the carriage. Skyrim certainly wasn’t safe - but he was ready as he could be.