[hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=f7941d][center]World Narrative[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3][hr][hr] [u][b]Gronar, Location: Forests around Suramar(Forest Path).-[/b][/u] The night elf was even more confused about what the orc was saying. Still he did pick up on some of the meanings in those somewhat vulgar words. These creatures supposedly didn't belong to their world and were external invaders. That would explain why they seemed so... foreign and so malicious! They brought death and corruption with them and he could feel the very world hurting at their presence, at least somewhat less now that they were dead. Still even the carcasses seemed to seep corruption into nature. "It seems even more important we find my shan'do, my teacher. He might be able to provide us with aid on matter!" Malfurion stated as he was leading the way through the thick underbrush in the forest. Their progress was fast though, it was almost as if the forest itself was making a path for them, allowing them to pass freely through what appeared to otherwise be unpassable wall of bushes and thorns and trees. At the end of the pathway Malfurion led him through was a huge tree. It was one of the biggest trees that Gronar would have ever seen in a normal forest. It was twice as big as the other ancient trees in the forest they were in." Gronar, this is the guardian of the glade." Malfurion explained as he placed his hand on a white patch of bark." To enter you need to do the same." He urged the orc. "Do not be afraid if you feel a tingling sensation, the tree will be learning from you, remember you as to allow you entry next time too. It doesn't mean you harm." The druid explained. This was an ancient protector of this glade, an incredibly ancient tree. It held powerful magic inside it and served as the last line of defense to Cenarius's Glade. [u][b]Draven, Location: Mountain(Mysterious Staircase).- [/b][/u] "You are quite the arrogant mortal, aren't you? To wish to ride upon a red dragon just like that! HA!" The red dragon burst out in laughter as he looked at Draven and shook his head." You are lucky that the only way to enter where we are going to is through flight." He added as his blody hovered up and started morphing again, regaining it's immense size. He reached out on of his front claws and turned it upwards, nodding his huge red head to the warlock. "Hop in." He indicated the warlock to get into the front limb." Either you stay there on your own or I grab you like an animal and carry you that way. Also call me... Kras for short." He added, waiting for the warlock to move so they can get going." I know that you mortals tend to have troubles with our names." As for the flight, do not worry, you will neither fall or feel hte wind... I've got magic to protect you." [u][b]Fabios, Location: Cenarius's Glade(Dreamworld).- [/b][/u] The epherial laughter came again, as feminine and gentle as before, but clearly amuzed. No visage was to it yet, now Fabios could sense a strong presence somewhere just beyond the limits of his perception. This was a dream and drems didn't play by his rules in the end." How amusing, you are an incredible little mortal. So much will and so much pain." The voice spoke." And arrogance, but that I can forgive." The voice added as the stability of the dream seemed to shake for a moment." Release you? How wrong you are, little mortal." The voice continued with a chuckle." I was neither the one who brought you here nor am I the one who holds you here." "It was YOU who came into my domain by some weird concidence directly to me." The voice simply stated and Fabios would now be able to see a pair of brilliant eyes somewhere in the distance as if looking at him through some boundry." And this, these are YOUR dreams, what your heart yearns for... what it regrets... what it pains at the mere recollection of." The voice added with gently voice." But it seems our meeting is at it's end, little mortal. We may yet meet again. Now it's time for you to wake up." The voice added as the presence vanished. The dream started to fade as if the presence that just left, was what was keeping it together. Then the paladin would finally wake up, to face Cenarius and a really shy dryad who was also awake and now looking at him from around a nearby tree. "I see, you've finally woken up, my guest." The keeper of the forest stated with serious voice." But you see... there's just you left in my glade..." The demigod explained and looked back at the paladin." Are you per chance aware where your companion went? My sentries didn't see or sense anything. They just know she vanished after you were knocked unconscious over 5 hours ago. My daughter Nisha woke before you and brought you some water..." The demigod continued as he pointed out to a waterskin that was laying full by Fabios's feet. "You see, your friend's disappearance is yet another concerning sign. Maybe of my kind demand I hand you over to them for interrogation as your presence here could spell danger for the world. Dark things are walking Kalimdor as of the last day." Cenarius added and looked Fabios right in the eyes." I am reasonable to keep you here and safe for now... rather than risk your sanity in interrogations."