[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/547180180020658197/562772110154530816/clip_image002.png[/img] [sub]{Special thanks to NorthernKraken for the edited graphic. The original version can be found by clicking on the link [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=Rebellion+art&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=ms-android-lge-rev2&fir=G6wqvdghQ0ireM%253A%252Cx7mCzxAB1quC3M%252C_%253BP8C471iQ1vwIQM%253A%252Cb0tKoEkPhgPr5M%252C_%253BUxAnMuB-Zj3zYM%253A%252C_GNcB7NLYBpyNM%252C_%253BZUzbCHtWX_Kb4M%253A%252CGSjFYUwV_JVtyM%252C_%253BAbpQDupDMFGKpM%253A%252COYcrc2XGd2cBVM%252C_%253BPUFpNyv2s1zN3M%253A%252C00JX2vSuhxn2LM%252C_%253BiK9yReKkOzwicM%253A%252CgIKrE_ue6nk7dM%252C_%253B3wVWOZuSQJxTMM%253A%252Ce0EYUF6C8KfMNM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kRn1vTYr0PCwius-ykOX38jqwFYqQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj75aSLxLLhAhXIc98KHb4gBikQ7Al6BAgKECw&biw=360&bih=518#imgrc=_UGIrsHK7aRYgM]here[/url]}[/sub][/center] [hr][hr] [center][youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AtLNnrKR1qE[/youtube][/center] [hr][hr] [h1][i]A Brief Overview[/i][/h1] [hr][hr] This roleplay takes place on an alternate, futuristic, darker, and more dystopian version of Earth in the year 2026. It will follow the lives of several Devo's, short for Deviants, from around the world and their struggles to fight back against the corrupt system that has enslaved them, be it through word or violence. But beware, for not all is as it seems. Deep within the shadows, a powerful entity is pulling the strings of the world, slowly guiding it towards a future of its own design... [h1][i]Rules[/i][/h1] [hr][hr] -Abide by Guild rules. -As GM, my word is law. I will try to be as fair as possible though, so there shouldn't be any problems. -This roleplay is +18, and will contain violence, death, and other mature themes. Do not join if these offend you. -I shouldn't have to say this, but be civil to one another in the OOC. If you have an issue with a fellow player, take it to a PM with myself included, that way we can settle it. -No Omni or Almighty power's allowed. Pretty much everything else is okay. If you're unsure about whether or not a power you've chosen is allowed however, ask me and I'll let you know. -While I prefer you write a paragraph or more, I will gladly accept less if it adds something to the current scene. As for grammar and spelling, please do your best to minimize mistakes as they really break the flow of a post. [h1][i]The Origins of Power's[/i][/h1] [hr][hr] Power's, as far as researchers can ascertain, originates from a mutated gene within one's body known as D3-V0, or the Devo gene, from which we get the term Deviants. From studies conducted on the gene, it seems as though it was created as a dormant defense mechanism by the bodies of several non powered individuals in the distant past, that was then passed onto their offspring in order to aid in their long term survival. It is still unknown as to how powers vary from person to person or why they do so in the first place, though geneticists believe they can find the answers to both of these questions in time. [h1][i]Factions[/i][/h1] [hr][hr] [hider=The Peacekeepers] [center][color=gold][h1][i]THE PEACEKEEPERS[/i][/h1][/color] [img]http://bbwbettiepumpkin.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/united-nations-logo-united-nations-logo-free-image-on-pixabay-free.png[/img] The Peacekeepers are a UN sanctioned military task force operating out of New York, that is dedicated to protecting non-devo's from all power related threats. Despite having the name "Peacekeepers" and seemingly altruistic goals, the group tends to rely on quite heavily on violent and brutal methods when dealing with Deviants, despite their reputation as protectors. As for their technology, the Peacekeepers have access to several advanced device's such as the [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/007/522/366/large/stefan-celic-artstation-1.jpg?1506702434]MK-V Exosuits[/url] which are equipped with built in med, stim, and shield systems, the [url=https://www.renderhub.com/zerotolorance/energy-rifle/energy-rifle-03.jpg]H.E.L.I.O.S Plasma Cannon[/url] which is capable of melting through five feet of solid Titanium, the X-19 Sentinel Drones of course, the heavy duty [url=https://wallup.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/128043-digital_art-futuristic.jpg]MJOLNIR Personnel Carriers[/url], and the intimidating [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/79/0f/36790fff5942259fa18a5601a2fae29e.jpg]R3-V3N4N1 Drones[/url], which can accurately assess and eliminate a target from up to twenty meters away. Their main base of operations, as they have smaller bases and safehouses in various locations across the globe, is the [url=https://bw-1651cf0d2f737d7adeab84d339dbabd3-gallery.s3.amazonaws.com/images/image_2685658/03c3f1f55acf219fbe68423119ad4a3d_large.jpg]Onyx Tower[/url], an imposing twenty plus story skyscraper in NYC that sits a few miles to the southwest of the main UN headquarters themselves. [/center][/hider] [hider=The D.R.M.] [center] [color=red][h1][i]THE DEVIANT RESISTANCE MOVEMENT[/i][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/96/c7/94/96c794c238d524118848e8efe698d243.jpg[/img] The D.R.M is a resistance movement that operates out of hidden locations around the world. While its members are mostly Deviants, there are a few non-devo's who have joined them in their fight against Devo oppression and segregation. They do not have a strong central leadership, access to much advanced technology, and all of the connections that the Peacekeepers do however, which weakens them quite a bit in some area's, but strengthens them in other's. Deviants who join the group must not only swear an oath of unyielding allegiance and recieve a tattoo that marks them as a member, but also have to get the I.D. chips in their necks removed, which, depending on the situation and supplies on hand, can be a very excruciating and harrowing process. Once all is said in done however, you're a member. For life. [/center][/hider] [h1][i]The Story So Far[/i][/h1] [hr][hr] [hider=The Past][h1][i]The Past[/i][/h1] [hr] Saturday, January 12th, 2013 or the Black Sabbath, as some call it. It was on that day in Cleveland Tenesse that a peaceful Devo rights protest turned into a massacre that snuffed out the lives of thousands of non powered individuals. It was during that year, and the one's following, that the world turned against Deviants, believing them to be a threat that needed to be contained at all costs. People from around the world with powers were rounded up and forced to have power dampening identification chips surgically implanted into their necks. They were then placed in special residential areas that are off limits to non-devo civilian personnel. Harsh curfews and rules were then instituted in each of these areas, known as Compounds, severely limiting the freedom one could enjoy for those living in such places. More years pass and life slowly goes from bad to worse for Devo's...[/hider] [hider=The Present][h1][i]The Present[/i][/h1] [hr] It is the year 2026. It has been years since the massacre of 12/13, but the tragedy and horror of the event is still burned into the minds of average citizens. Devo's are feared, segregated, and looked down on by the rest of society. They are forced to live in Peacekeeper monitored Compounds, which are generally repurposed slums, and are supplied with what the local government considers "adequate" living amenities. On the rare occasions Devo's are allowed to enter major cities, they are constantly watched by a squad of heavily armed Peacekeeper troopers and a pair of fully weaponized [url=https://artfiles.alphacoders.com/133/13337.jpg]X-19 Sentinel Drones[/url]. In stark contrast to this depressing existence, are the near perfect lives that people without powers lead in the pristine cities surrounding the Compounds. Those living in the cities have access to clean water, advanced medicinal, industrial, economic, scientific, and entertainment technology, as well as easy access to transportation and food. No one living in the major cities have to worry about where their next meal is going to come from. They don't have to fight over clean water or scraps of cloth to keep themselves warm during the winter month's. They don't have to walk everywhere or rely on rundown gas powered vehicles to get around. Unlike Devo's. Despite all of this however, there may still be a glimmer of hope for all of Deviant kind in the form of an underground resistance group calling themselves the D.R.M, Deviant Resistance Movement, a group of Devo's operating alongside those without powers in various locations all across the globe in order to create a better future for all mankind. One where a person is hated or loved based on their actions, not their genetic makeup. Now that you know the story, only one question remains... Will stand up and fight your fate? Or give into it and die?[/hider] [h1][i]The Character Sheet[/i][/h1] [hr][hr] [hider=CS] [center] {Character Image Goes Here} Name: (Your character's name) Age: (Your character's age) Gender: (Your character's gender) Appearance: (A written description of your character's physical appearance if you don't have a pic or just want to add more details) Abilities: (Your character's power's) Skills: (Your character's skills, or what they're good at) Equipment: (Your character's clothing, gear, etc) Biography: (Your character's history) [/center][/hider]