Erika had just reached out to grip the shelves in order to lift it up, when the boy’s sudden scream caused her to look in his direction. It would be a lie if she were to say that she wasn’t shocked to see that a man wearing a bandana had scooped up the child and a part of her was momentarily concerned until the words "I'll get him to safety." reached her ears. She barely had time to give him an acknowledging nod before he disappeared into a grey blur (Super-speed perhaps? Awesome!). Pushing down her intense desire to fangirl over powers, she wasted no time in turning back to the more pressing matter at hand. Gripping the blackened metal of the shelf with her bare hands (an act that would have left others with serious burn-wounds) she poured all her strength into lifting it (the trick is to do it with your legs), immensely thankful for the small strength boost that came with her powers as she managed to lift the thing enough to enable the woman to be moved.