[center][img] https://seeklogo.com/images/S/s-h-i-e-l-d-logo-F89847BD30-seeklogo.com.png [/img][/center] [COLOR=00aeef][indent][sub][I]SHIELD Safehouse, Rome, Italy[/I] - [I]Present Day, 15:50 [/I][/sub][sup][right]Issue 1.02.2: Unbroken[/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Previously:[/b] [I] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4873822]Issue 1.02.1: The Search[/url][/I][/right][/SUP][/indent][/color] The two SHIELD agents stood in front of the single door on the third floor of the apartment complex, waiting silently for a moment. Tony tried to knock again. It was perhaps the most simplistic form of communication, something that Steve even used when he was in the Army. As the two waited outside and heard no response, they both gave a nod. Tony lifted up the faded placard next to the door and gave three quick taps against the wall underneath. The metal panel slid back up into the wall to reveal two scanners. Tony placed his hand on the hand reader as it began to scan his fingerprints, while a sweeping light scanned over his face for facial recognition. After a few moments, the scanners lit up green and the whirs of locks and gears could be heard churning for a few seconds. Tony opened the door, reaching towards his belt to pull out a small metal capsule. The safehouse wasn’t as clean as one would expect. There were some papers scattered about the place, and an overturned chair or two. Various computers and terminals littered the apartment, but they were all turned off. The weapon rack along the back wall was mostly intact, but there were a few guns that appeared to be missing from the clear empty spaces. Tony and Cap cautiously entered into the larger room, carefully watching things as they split up. Cap made his way to a door on the right side of the room, while Tony approached one on the left. They both gave a curt nod and violently opened the doors. Tony simply found an empty bedroom that was in near immaculate condition, with a single bag in the corner. Cap opened the door and was immediately met with a wooden chair bashing into his chest. A man in casual clothes was left just holding two of the chair’s legs, and began engaging in close combat. He was able to deliver a few solid blows into Cap’s sides, but Steve was a tank of a man. He bid his time doing his best to block attacks until he found his opening. Cap was able to deliver one swift blow to the hostile’s chest, and the man went flying back into the back wall of the bedroom before falling onto the bed. The hostile was able to just get up when Cap delivered a left hook and knocked him unconscious. In the meantime, Tony nodded as he saw that there were no lights on under the door on his left. He placed a hand on the computer on his right, and he came to a complete stop. It was warm, which meant they weren’t alone. He twisted his body slightly and delivered a sweeping kick to knock the gun out of the hand of the assailant who swung open the door. A single, silenced bullet impacted against the wall as the gun slid across the floor. The individual seemed surprised by the skill of Tony Masters, but he had no idea. Any attack the assailant made against the SHIELD agent were dodged and countered. Tony was able to fight with brutal efficiency, beating the assailant into a pulp until a final right hook knocked him unconscious. Cap entered back in the main room just in time to see Tony slowly approaching the gun lying on the ground. Steve’s expression narrowed in on the unconscious body, then Tony’s face. His ally seemed almost entirely mechanical in his movements, seeming to operate out of instinct. It was a stare and loss of self that Steve himself had seen in some of his closest allies. So Steve began rushing forward, kicking the overturned stare with enough force to get in Tony’s way. He seemed caught off-guard by it, but was still able to sidestep it as Cap picked up the sidearm and removed it’s firing capabilities. Masters gave a slight nod to his superior and turned his gaze to the unconscious suited hostile, turning him over and reaching into his suit coat to pull out his wallet. Masters gave a slight sigh as he opened it and revealed it to Cap. [color=lightgray]”They were on our side… shit I almost…”[/color] Cap just gave a nod and patted him on the shoulder before lifting up the agent and took him to the bedroom to lie him down in the bed. He returned to shake his head at Tony. [color=00aeef]”As long as we’re on this assignment, I want to make this clear. We don’t shoot someone unless they’re shooting us. Those are the rules of engagement. I don’t need to be fighting you and them.”[/color] Tony gave a curt nod as he began to turn on one of the computers. He paused for a moment, before showing a small smile. [color=lightgray]”I hate to break it to you, Cap, but I don’t think you could.”[/color] The two began getting to work at that point in time. Tony worked on getting the computers online, while Cap made sure that the other agents were comfortable and got the place in order. After about a half hour, the other agents began to awake and Cap did his best to calm them down and ease them in to things. They didn’t speak much English, so Tony took over speaking to them while Cap waiting in the living room to watch over the front door. It took about fifteen minutes before Tony returned, his facial expression clearly troubled. [color=00aeef]”What’s wrong?”[/color] Tony took a deep breath as he leaned against the wall and folded his arms. [color=lightgray]”They’re pretty shaken up. The last time the agents were here, they seemed to be in a trance. They downloaded files and took some things with them. They’re going to keep an eye on things here and support our investigation off the record.”[/color] Cap gave a short nod. [color=00aeef]”You think the agents were blackmailed?”[/color] [color=lightgray]”No, the way they described it… their allies didn’t even notice anyone else was here. Wouldn’t respond to any questions and just went around their business.”[/color] Cap rubbed his chin. [color=00aeef]”We’ll need to see what Fury thinks when he gets back. I guess now we’re just going to have to wait for everyone to get back.”[/color][hr][right][color=00aeef]Next Chapter:[/color] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4875803]Grave of the Fireflies[/url][/right]