[@Pezz570] "Nah. I'll be fine." He responded to Chres. He was about to approach the door but stopped. He had heard more talking about food, or rather the lack of it. He turned to face Chres once more, "Look, we got a bunch people that need to eat. I figured that someone else can have my share, as this isn't my first time going without eating and enduring through this sort if something I'm experienced at." The man shot a glance at the Innkeeper and his wife who were having a minor disagreement, and then back to Chres. "Like I said before, I can help steal some food for today. It'll be even more guilt-free for us since half the town seems to have been converted to these cultists. Perhaps some fishmongers can be relieved of their catch later today." He said with a slight smile. "Anyway I'll be going outside now." He said as he finally left. It was honestly such a change having all these people around. He was used to just looking out for himself and dealing with these hardships alone, but now there were other people with their own needs. He would need to pitch and help with this, especially since he wasn't one comfortable with acts of hospitality unpaid. He leaned against the wall of that house as felt the morning air blow over him softly like a whisper.