[@Zelphina] Allow me to help. Generally if you want to attract attention to yourself, post up some information in the 'interest checks' forums to make your own thread. Generally its good to have an idea of what kind of RP you want to have and play. This is best for 1X1 rps since it leads to a player on player discussion of the ins and outs of the story. There are also other people advertising their own group RPs for you to join. Free is for simple and fast RPs, with casual and advanced RPs with the expectation of 3 or more paragraphs per post into the story. Anything that has an APPLY in green is still looking for more players. Read the rules for the RP, usually the first post in the OOC tab, then introduce yourself with a 'post reply' and ask any questions you might have. A good GM, game master, will answer your questions and help you out so you can make a character. Once its accepted, you can then join the story. PM me if you need to discuss more or we can make an RP for practice and fun.