[hider=One of the Four Heavenly Kings] [img]http://www.badassoftheweek.com/hondatadakatsu2.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Honda Tadakatsu [b]Title(s):[/b]"The Warrior who surpassed Death itself", "The Samurai among Samurai" [b]Class:[/b] Lancer [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Attribute:[/b] [b]Era:[/b] Age of Man; March 17, 1548 – December 3, 1610 [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Good [b]Personality:[/b] Stoic and vigilant, he is fiercely loyal to his Retainer (Master) and is always ready to be called into battle. He desires to fight a worthy opponent and will let his presence be known and his intentions clear to nearby enemies. [b]Character Objectives:[/b] Towards the end of his life, Honda had a hard time adjusting to the life of a bureaucrat and eventually retired and died of natural causes. His 'perfect record' haunts him as he feels he was not given the warrior's death he deserved. Once he has the grail, he wishes to return to his youth and relive his military career until someone worthy slays him in battle. [b]Bio:[/b] A daimyo of the Sengoku Era and one of the Tokugawa Four Heavenly Kings, Honda Tadakatsu was a veteran of over 100 battles, and yet had never received a single significant wound and was never defeated by another samurai. This evolved into a legend that he had surpassed death itself. Famously his helmet was adorned with stag antlers, letting everyone on the battlefield know of his presence. Despite this not a single inch of his body was ever scarred. He served Tokugawa for his entire life and died of natural causes. Oda Nobunaga himself, famously stingy with his praise, once called him "The Samurai among Samurai". [b]Weapon:[/b] He carries a Masamune-made katana as a sidearm. [b]Parameters:[/b] [list] [*]Strength: B [*]Endurance: B [*]Agility: C [*]Mana: E [*]Luck: B [/list] [b]Class Skills:[/b] [b]Magical Resistance (D):[/b] Comes with the class. Cancels spells of a lower rank and reduces damage taken by other spells. Honda never encountered magic in his life, however never having received a lasting injury prevents this from skill from being E rank. [b]Personal Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Military Tactics (B): At one point in history he was considered one of the top four generals of Japan. Oda Nobunaga even praised his skill as a tactician. However he wasn't a perfect general and does have some defeats. Bonus modifiers are provided during use of one's own Anti-Army Noble Phantasm or when dealing against an enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. [*]Robust Health (A): Said to have surpassed death, he had never received a single injury throughout his over 100 battles. A Skill that is made up of anecdotes of "not receiving a wound on the battlefield" and "never becoming sick even once since birth". It is also a composite Skill and includes Poison Resistance. [*]Proof of Friendship (B): Despite being outnumbered 50 to one he intended to face the coming Toyotomi force head on during his defence of Komaki Castle. Impressed by his opponent's bravery, Toyotomi spared him and his army and retreated. This is a Skill to suppress an enemy Servant's fighting spirit to a certain extent, where then a dialogue can begin. However, the enemy Servant must not possess a Mental Pollution Skill. In regard to a Holy Grail War, an advantageous check can be obtained when constructing temporary alliances. [*]Knowledge of Melees (B): Having never once been injured in combat, Tadakatsu possesses the uncanny ability to preserve himself in crowded melees. It is a methodology regarding crowd-combat in which friends and foes are all jumbled together. Not the ability to take command of a military force, but combat techniques to persevere as a single warrior within the troops of an army. [/list] [b]Noble Phantasms:[/b] Name: Tonbokiri Title: "Dragonfly Cutter" Rank: B NP Type: Anti-Army Range: 1-15 Maximum Number of Targets: 50 Description: One of the Three Legendary Spears of Japan. Crafted by the swordsmith Fujiwara Masazane, it is said that Honda had sharpened the blade so often that when a dragonfly landed on it, it was instantly cut in two. The blade is exceptionally sharp and is able to cut through most materials. Unlocking its true cutting potential requires a true name release and a special combo technique. The technique involves spinning the blade at high speed and cutting the air, creating razor winds that slice through things as Tadakatsu moves forward.[/hider] [hider=America Incoming] [center][img]https://www.fightersgeneration.com/nz3/character/ss6/andrew-samurai-shodown-6-tenka-artwork.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Jackson Andrews Title(s): The Whole Worth More than its Parts, America's Favourite Mage, Mosaic Eagle Gender: Male Age: 35 Alignment: Lawful Good Rank: Objective for the Grail: A united world government not controlled by agendas, where injustices against the whole of humanity are quickly dealt with and the world at large enjoys a relative peace. Command Seal: It is a star flanked by a wings/tongues of flame. Personality: Cool headed and well-mannered, he never denies anyone courtesy, even if they are his bitter enemies. He is resolute in his beliefs, but is willing to hear what other people have to say and is not above changing his mind when presented with new information. He is confident, polite and flexible. Bio: Jackson Andrews is the affluent heir of the Andrews Estate, a wealthy American family who have a long history associated with the occult. They claim they can trace their lineage all the way back to the Picts of Scotland where their ancestors practised Runic Magic. Their family history is pockmarked with periods of strife and prosperity, having been forced to convert to Christianity by the Romans, exiled to America during the colonial period, their family coming under suspicion during the Witch Scare, and braving the Revolutionary, Civil and both World Wars. A family such as them would be readily accepted into the rest of Magus Society and even have clout had it not been for their detest of how 'Eurocentric' most Magus families are. This all stems from a blood feud that was founded during Revolutionary War where The Andrews were one of the few magical families to side with the Americans. A recurring theme of their family history seems to be a strong aversion to absolute authority. Having such a well-documented family history is due to their nature as mages; each generation taught the next what they learned and where they received that knowledge from, some disciplines were lost from the crest due to particular member's disinterest in a subject. However, the sheer variety of magic in the family's collective repertoire is staggering and touches virtually all-known magics and even ones that have yet to be incorporated into more traditional thaumaturgical schools. Jackson himself is a philanthropist, using his family's wealth in-service to those who need it. He grew up sheltered and privileged and feels the need to repent for his easy life. Growing up in modern America granted him a more contemporary education, even attending an American High School for a number of years. His knowledge of science and technology is far beyond that of most other Maguses and is much more willing to adopt and use the conveniences brought about by modernity. Magic-wise it could be said he was 'homeschooled' and encouraged to explore other magical systems. While in Europe he plans to align himself with Lord Toranbelio, who is currently rallying against the traditionalists of the Association. ---- Magic Circuit Switch: The distinct smell of burned gunpowder. Number of Magic Circuits: C Quality of Magic Circuits: B ---- Elemental Affinity: Earth and Fire. His Origin is Contracts. Magecraft: [list] [*]General Magecraft: Has a good understanding of the basics but is otherwise not formally trained in this particular style of magecraft. [*]Elementalism: A specialised form developed by his ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary War. It allows for the manipulation of gunpowder components and the generation of sparks. [*]American Witchcraft: An older form of Magecraft with origins in Europe that became popular in the United States during the 17th C and lead to the the infamous Salem Witch Trials. American Witchcraft was founded by Elizabeth "Goody" Garlick in 1658. It derives a lot from European schools of Witchcraft but with a much greater emphasis on curses, which require the use of a material medium (ex: straw doll, lock of hair, etc.) that impose a magical restriction on an individual. This school is not tied the Wiccan faith, who do not practice magecraft at all. [*]Navajo Spiritual Healing: A form of Shamanisn that is one of the few forms of Magecraft not brought over to the New World but is instead holy native to the Americas. It was incorporated into the Crest during the rapid expansion into the West. It's main tenant is focused on reestablishing harmony within a body, as an imbalance or 'chaos' can manifest as illness or injury. It uses and requires knowledge in a vast array of plants, herbs, minerals and clays. Internally referred to as Diné Bahane', this school is rarely taught to those outside the Navajo culture so much is not known about its practices. It's primarily used for healing ailments and injury and the removal/redirection of curses. One of the more well-known "spells" of this school is the [i]yee naaldlooshii[/i] ("by means of it, it goes on all fours") is not actually a part of the foundation proper but instead practised by an antithetical offshoot who go against the primary teachings. It is a form of "self-curse" that transfigures the user into an animal-like form for use in trickery or combat. English speakers typically refer to practitioners as "skin-walkers". [/list] Crest: 300 years old Weapon: [list] [*]Land Pattern Musket "Brown Bess": One of the most commonly used muskets of the Revolutionary War, it was a British weapon that found its way into the hands of many patriots. Not a mystic code, just a very well maintained antique. Jackson can, however, use his Elemental magic to quickly fire and reload the weapon and reinforce it to withstand forces it would not normally be able to. Comes with a bayonet for close-quarters duelling. Jackson usually carries around with him a satchel of gunpowder and shot to use with it. [*]The Cauldron of Ceridwen: An amplifier Mystic Code, it is an exceptionally old cauldron rumoured to have been used by the enchantress (later worshipped as a Goddess) Crediwen with the intention of giving her son omnipotence. It was brought to the New World and later confiscated by the Puritans during the Salem Witch Trials. Recovered by Jackson himself, the cauldron allows for longe-range scrying and bolsters the range and potency of his Witchcraft and potion brewing. [*]Liberty: A familiar that dates back to his ancestors Celtic roots. It is a metal eagle that has been used for spying, surveying battlefields, and close-quarters combat. Originally bearing the image of a golden eagle, it's appearance was altered to that of a bald eagle when the family was exiled to the New World. [/list] Exceptional Benefit: Preparation [/hider]