[quote=@Shandria] I want to have what it takes. But RNG has screwed me more times than I care to admit in the past. Can....... Can I have a descendant of the man, the myth, the legend himself, Major Freaking Armstrong, who is somehow, nothing at all like an Armstrong, and in fact is basically the exact opposite? [/quote] [quote=@Hero] Honestly same, RNG has never been kind, but I figured it'd be fun to see what happens anyway. [/quote] Well, I'm going to try to not have everything hinge on just dice rolls. What I can say is that if you put the time and effort into your writing, I think you'll find the rolls weighted quite well in your favor a lot of the time. [@Eviledd1984] Come on down, we're still filling up! [@Vox] Very nice, I'll chat with you about Anne at a later point in time. Everything seems to be in order, so you can add her to the CHaracters teb!