[h2]Laetitia and Lancelot[/h2] "Remind you of somewhere?" the taller of the blondes asked, tilting her head a little at her Servant's reaction. To her, this was simply another landscaped garden--a very nice one, and cooler than the subtropical climate of the rest of the city, but just some greenery. With Saber gazing out over the lake, she was therefore the first to notice when some other people entered the park: a fairly tall man with unusually purple hair, which matched the description she'd been given of Lancelot... roughly. Her Saber had told her to look out for longer hair than that. What was following was more interesting. A girl almost identical to Arturia, wearing a much more revealing outfit... "Hey, doesn't that girl look like you? I wonder if we can ask her where she got those clothes~" Striding towards them with his bags of snacks, Lancelot came to a halt, wondering how to broach the topic of not just having brought himself... but also picked up the wayward Knight of Rebellion entirely by accident. Or how to introduce yourself to someone that you hadn't seen for years, unless you counted the surreal occasion where you got stabbed... "Your majesty, I..." [hr] [h2]Gilgamesh[/h2] "No tutoring? With so little to do, you must have something else planned," the golden Servant said, sampling the glass. From the lack of a grimace or the sudden threat of execution, it rated passable on his scale--and was therefore what most people would consider excellent. Except perhaps wine critics, but there were always people who would go and take things too far, even for someone as innately drawn to luxury as Gilgamesh. "What say you to drawing out your old foe with our work? Iskandar might even find his tactical abilities challenged." El-Melloi appeared to have the administrator occupied.