[hider=Sowilo] [center]Working on a picture. Will come.[img][/img][/center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Doctor Mina Louise Aldridge [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Doc [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Rune/Location:[/b] Sowilo, on the back of her left hand. [b]Rune Powers:[/b] Sowilo, the rune of sunlight, warmth, and fire. Manifestation and manipulation of fire, flame, and heat. Impervious to burns and extremely high temperatures. [b] Description:[/b] Mina stands at a neat six feet in height, with the slim, lean figure. Her features are soft and dotted with faint freckles across her nose and cheekbones, framed by a voluminous head of natural black curls that fall to her mid-back. She has an even, light tawny complexion and honey colored eyes. She bears a thick Southern accent, and a smile set just a hair off-center by a dimple on only one side. [b]Personality:[/b] Warm, determined, and level-headed. Despite her rune’s incendiary tendencies, Mina keeps a cool head in high-stress situations. She possesses a strong sense of purpose, and a belief that everyone has a role to play in the greater scheme of things. While being a peacemaker in most situations, she will absolutely fight you over any (wrong) opinions you have regarding sweet tea. [b]Skills:[/b] Medical training, specializing in cardiac care Excellent grasp of anatomy and pathology Pretty clever, and excellent under pressure Decent stamina; hobbyist distance runner [b]Weaknesses:[/b] No active combat experience Limited applicable fighting skill Unsweetened tea [b]Brief History:[/b] Mina was born to an agricultural engineer and an orthopaedic surgeon in the city built upon what was once Savannah, Georgia. She spent most of her childhood alternating between playing outside whenever she could, and perusing medical documentaries and textbooks. When the time came, she was accepted to a top premedical program, followed by her first choice of medical school, and then began a surgical residency at a major treatment center. By this point, she had acquired a decent apartment, started training for a half-marathon within the year, and put in an adoption application to an Australian Shepherd rescue. It was all going very well for Doctor Aldridge. And then, on a rather unfortunate Tuesday morning, the sink spontaneously combusted whilst she was trying to scrub in. [/hider] [hider=Mitch Ingram] [center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/509000/509662_1385201705645_263_400.jpg[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Leila Michelle Ingram [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Leila Michelle Ingram, Mitch [b]Age:[/b] 24 (Ish? Or just quite youthful for her age, perhaps. She seems to have been in her early twenties for as long as most people have known her.) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Alliance:[/b] Blessed / Head of surveillance [b]Duties:[/b] Uses digital security sensors and a personal network to know as much as humanely (or perhaps inhumanly) possibly regarding the goings on of the Mansion and Runes. [b] Description:[/b] A small and unassuming woman, usually seen in a modest button-down and pantsuit. Her faded green eyes are out of focus when viewing anything more than a few inches from her face, and she carries a cane to find her way around. She is almost never without her tablet or laptop, a pair of maximum corrective lenses, and a stemless magnifying glass. Her hair is mousy brown, and she never wears makeup of any kind. She is legally blind, and cannot see anything more than a foot away, even with vision aids. [b]Personality:[/b] Sharp-tongued, but soft spoken. Mitch has nothing to prove and nobody to prove it to, and as such has a rather even keel at most times. She is rarely surprised, and in fact, has an uncanny knack for guessing what people are up to. [b]Skills:[/b] - Computer expert - Excellent sensory perception, aside from sight - Quick thinking/problem solving - Operates a network that allows her to stay informed about all things at all times - Not actually a bad shot, if she can hear where someone is - Powerful rune writer [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - Slightly less informed about all things she may be about to bump into - Limited physical fighting ability - Might smell slightly less human than some humans - Can write strong runic inscriptions, but cannot cast them or assist in rituals [b]Brief History:[/b] Since before she can recall, Mitch has been writing code and working with runes. She's a bit new to the use of laptops, previously having used a far more stationary setup. Her product, however, has not suffered from the shift. Mitch has also worked with the Blessed for nearly a decade, and played an integral role in finding the Chosen ones shortly after their runes appeared. [b]Other:[/b]Mitch uses a cane to find her way around when outside the mansion. She does not like it when people move furniture near her quarters, and has a policy about moving it back posted in most common areas. [/center][/hider]