[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00aeef]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article6733955.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/PAY-Former-James-Bond-actor-Timothy-Dalton.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Quarantine [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Manny was correct in the fact that the girl had calmed down a bit, but she was still tense and pissed off. Manny couldn't be sure why she was upset as he didn't know what language she spoke, but it seemed quite a few others in the room did know how to speak the same language as her. That was nice in many ways, and Manny had tried piecing together what he could from what was being said in English. She was upset about loss? Had something just pushed her over the edge? Did she know Thana in a way? He figured that unlikely, but it was the only trigger he could think of in a moment like this. Manny wondered why the guards weren't getting involved at all, even though the physical part of the fight seemed to be over tensions were still high, someone would have to be a fool to not see that. If pushed again it wouldn't surprise him if she struck the soldier again. Or whoever tried to separate them. But the soldier started speaking, explaining what many of those still alive were forced to think. Good Enough. Good enough. Those words refused to leave his head, good enough was bullshit. All people can do nowadays is fake it until they make it. Or get eaten trying. The soldier offered his hand for assistance to stand, the woman denying to help. "[color=00aeef]What the fuck just happened...[/color]" He spoke to no one in particular, just confused on what was happening. Manny figured he should do something to help defuse the situation, but he wasn't sure what. The woman probably just needed time to calm down. Manny started walking over to the soldier when something cut him off. A voice, one of arrogance, anger, fear, and... Maybe stupidity. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00a651]Private Hunter James Monroe[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/180439341/large.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Quarantine [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] There were a lot of things going through Hunter's mind as the situation unfolded. One, he felt bad for the Russian lady when he realized how upset she was about the loss of her friends. Maybe family. He felt potty for the captain figure since he got his ass whooped by a tiny Russian girl, though he thought that was funny the longer he thought about it. But staying focused, she socked the poor bastard to the ground. It seemed many people had tries to calm her down, but she didn't care. She didn't hit him again, but he didn't see things calming down much either. The guards were just... watching, they were reacting, but they did nothing. Were they taking notes?! Were they trying to have them weed each other out?! What kind of sick fucks were these people?! It didn't matter, this wasn't his fight, and no one was going to make it his. Though, with a further look, he realized the woman who kicked the soldier's ass, was the mother of the baby that came in. It took him a while to register that, but it made sense, the man holding the baby now was speaking the same language as the small Russian woman. He wondered how old that kid was now, if they would remember any of this in their dreams, their nightmares. He wondered if she realized what she was doing now could lead to, if she understood what it meant to cause enough trouble to separate what shit excuses of family still remained in this world. "[color=00a651]Are you Fucking Stupid Lady?![/color]" He spoke in a tone much sharper then he meant to use towards the Russian woman. He didn't leave his spot, he figured walking towards her while making his point would only make things worse. "[color=00a651]You think there are no consequences for losing your shit like that? Or are you so fucking selfish you don't care? You think those useless guards aren't taking note of everything happening here? The fact that you knocked that poor bastard flat on his fucking ass, the fact that you may lose it at any time? They fucking threatened to shoot me dead because I don't trust them and I worded it, what do you think they'll say or do in reaction to your shit! If you're lucky you'll get a fucking warning. If not they'll fucking shoot you, or banish you, leaving your fucking kid without a fucking mother, no kid deserves to lose their fucking mother because she lost her shit![/color]" He had to stop and take a breath, emotions he normally kept bottled up were starting to show, and he needed to dial it back before he spoke more he didn't mean to. But even with trying to calm down he struggled. "[color=00a651]None of us can afford to lose our shit over the ones we lost. You don't see me going around putting an axe in the head of every poor fucker who annoys me because I can't keep my shit together![/color]" He spoke more stern then he meant. "[color=00a651]You Don't see me putting a gun at every fucker I see pissed off because I walked across this entire fucking continent looking for my family with no real progress. No, I keep my shit together because I owe it to them to do that. I owe them to keep a level fucking head and not lose my shit off the slight chance I still find them.[/color]" Though he had failed that oath a few times in recent years. "[color=00a651]Even though they are probably all dead now anyways... That kid isn't, find better ways to lose your shit. But take a tip from someone who makes everyone's shit list, don't fuck up by beating the shit out of someone with armed guards watching. Should be common fucking sense.[/color]" He stopped to breath again, only to realize he probably said way too much. Ready for whatever the guards decided to do to him he locked eyes with the guards, ready for if they shot him. "[color=00a651]You enjoy the show in your safe corner? Guess it's not your problem huh? Sure, yeah, why would it be. Just watch, let us sort it out, not like you're the fucking guards or something. Took the few weapons we had and then watch and laugh from the corner.[/color]" Ignoring the fact that other then a brief moment of preparing to defend himself, he laughed at the thought of the captain being knocked over. "[color=00a651]Just... Do whatever you're going to do. It's clear ya'll don't like me much anyways.[/color]" He said calm now. "[color=00a651]I... whatever. Sorry...[/color]" He wasn't sure what for, but he felt he needed to say it. Then looking back to the mother. "[color=00a651]Sorry I... normally... don't speak up like that. I just... don't forget you have someone to look out for.[/color]" He grabbed himself another cup of coffee, his hands shaking. He was scared. Worried he said too much, worried he was going to get shot, worried he was in his last moments. But god dammit if he was going to die now, he was going to enjoy one more good cup of coffee.