Rhazii took every one of Julan's movements seriously. With the first swing, he stepped back and brought his sword high over where Julan's arm was to follow through and began to step forward to counter with a thrust above his shoulder. His shoe skidded him to a sudden stop and he pulled back again at the last moment to avoid Julan's second swing. He had to bring his guard low to avoid his sword getting struck, but he lost the momentum to effectively strike. The opening moves had been indecisive. In the seconds that followed, Rhazii had no intention of letting Julan get comfortable. He swiftly ducked and thrusted low at Julan's middle a few times. Not to finish him, or even necessarily to hit, but to keep him either moving backwards or leaning forwards. [hr] When Fendros entered the main room of the inn, his first stop was the bar. After patiently waiting for the barkeep's attention, he ordered two mugs of water and then looked around for Ahnasha. He attempted a smile when their eyes met. He was no less nervous, even if there were more things on his mind. Fendros walked up to and sat down beside Ahnasha, placing one of the mugs in front of her. "Sabine brought me back. Rhazii stayed behind to catch up with Julan -- he and the others returned today as well." He looked up from his water at Ahnasha, hesitating. "How is the family? Have they spoken to you yet?"