Being evasive was simply not an option for Julan. He swatted at Rhazii's sword, but many of his blows found their mark. Though, Rhazii did not commit strongly enough to land a strike that would normally threaten a werecrocodile. However, Julan's own indecisive swings were even less effective. Rhazii could avoid him easily unless he committed fully, and aggressively. Even then, he had to try to predict how Rhazii would react so he could prepare ahead of time. He could not rely on being reactive. Finally, Julan swung out his arm wide and charged forward, aiming to tackle Rhazii and win through sheer power. It was one of the more predictable approaches he could take, but it was the greatest advantage he had. [hr] Ahnasha nodded, albeit hesitantly. "Yeah, for a minute or two. So...not really. They were shaken up. Vasiq said that my parents were just wanting to calm down for a while. They're up in their rooms, but they know I'm here. They'll be down soon enough." Leaning forward over the table, Ahnasha sighed and stared into the water in her cup. "I don't know what I'm going to say to them, though. They don't deal with that kind of thing as often as we do, and I have to wonder what they're thinking about me. I mean, do you think they'll be...suspicious about how we reacted? Part of me just wants to tell them everything, but that's probably a horrible idea."