[center] [h3][color=a0410d] [b]Luke Godfrey [/b] [/color] [/h3] [/center] Luke resisted the urge to fidget as an awkward silence lingered over the two, feeling a bit uncomfortable after telling her his story and being met with silence. This was the most he’s ever opened up about anything concerning his past or feelings. He just hope he was met with any negative responses. Soon though she broke the silence and took Luke off guard the second time in this encounter of theirs. Did she just tell him to leave the army after the war? It wasn’t a suggestion, it was a clear order that caught his tongue and forcing him to stay in silent shock. A silent shock that only grew as she declared herself his new mother and how she was going to make sure he did the right thing for himself. He wanted to respond, to protest, but his mouth only hanged opened slightly as he tried to form words before she stepped forward and began to straighten out his uniform. [color=a0410d][i]‘What the hell is going on!?’[/i][/color] he questioned in his mind before his cheeks began to grow a bit red in both this sudden invasion of personal space and embarrassment in being treated like a kid. Though he was a little embarrassed as she tended to his uniform, he didn’t resist as a warm feeling rose in his chest. It felt oddly… comforting. He cleared his throat as she considered his offer to come to his hometown and smiled slightly as she seemed a bit interested in it. Honestly she would fit right in, there are already a few folk with troubled past living there and they’re living just fine. Plus, having her around would be nice. His sisters would definitely be fond of her and her daughter. He chuckled as she said she’d beat him in another drinking contest. [color=a0410d]“I doubt th- GAH!”[/color] he blurted out in surprise as he was suddenly pulled into the tightest hug he’s ever been apart of in his life, though he hasn’t had many hugs in the first place. For a second he fidgeted in her hug, not sure how to process it, but soon he relaxed as the same warm feeling rose in his chest again as the hug grew tighter. Hesitantly he returned the hug by wrapping his arm around her waist and closing his eyes as his head rested on her chest, not even worried about personal space anymore. He let out a small breath through his nose and felt a bit of relief before Victoria broke the hug. Once out of the hug Luke snapped back to his senses and felt his cheeks grow warmer before rubbing the back of his neck. He chuckled nervously as she told him to stay out of trouble and gave a small grin, his cheeks still a tad red. [color=a0410d]“I’ll give it a shot,”[/color] he replied, his words filled with honesty. [hr] [center] [u]Some time later[/u][/center] Luke let out a small sigh as he closed his rooms door, his mind just getting over his encounter with Victoria a while ago. He decided to let things cool down with the whole Diana situation and planed to pull her aside tomorrow to apologize before they headed out. For now though he’d prepare and get his things ready for tomorrow. He managed to catch Jeans order to sleep in uniform for tomorrow's early departure, a decision he actually agreed on for the first time. After popping a few limbs and giving one final tired sigh he spread his gear out atop his bed and began to do some maintenance. Some of his fellow recruits in boot camp always complained about having to do maintenance on their gear, but Luke actually enjoyed it quite a bit. A pleasant small smile rested on his face as he polished his bayonet, checking every inch of the blade to make sure any grime or dried blood was cleaned away. Gradually he moved from item to item, from his rifle to the buttons on his uniform Luke went to work in making sure it was all looking brand new. If anyone were to see him they’d think he was a child with a set of brand new toys to play with. He had honestly forgot how much he enjoyed doing maintenance on his equipment. Not only did it ease his mind, but it made him feel pride. Everything laid out in front of him was the new him. A soldier, not a peasant farmer. Though as he was polishing the last of the buttons on his uniform he remembered Victoria’s demand for him to leave the army when the war was finished and how it was only for murders, thugs and losers with no where else to go or do. He pondered this for a moment, but in the end he only shook off her order and felt his determination grow. If it really was the place for the outcast of society, then maybe he could do something about it by rising in the ranks. The thought of being a higher rank stuck to his mind for the rest of the night as he finished the maintenance on his gear and soon laid down to get some much needed sleep. After two straight nights of no sleep Luke was out like a light the second his head hit the pillow. [hr] [center] [i]The next morning[/i][/center] [color=a0410d]“Ugh,”[/color] Luke grumbled as he tossed and turned in his bed, his mind fighting to stay in a peaceful slumber. Sadly though it lost that fight as Luke reluctantly cracked his eyes open, hissing a bit as his vision was met with the morning light. With a tired groan he swung his legs over the side of the bed and lifted himself up with a grunt. [color=a0410d]“God, I’m starting to miss boot camp,”[/color] he muttered in a groggy voice before he quickly rubbed any exhaustion from his eyes with the palm of his hands. With a reluctant sigh he pushed himself off the bed, his boots thudding on the hardwood floor and reminding him he was in full uniform. With all of his gear on him Luke was a bit surprised that he managed to sleep so well. He chuckled in slight amusement before grabbing his rifle and snatching his helmet from the counter next to his bed. He frowned as he noticed a small smudge that he had somehow missed on his helmet and began to attempt to get rid of it for good. Though as he finished something caught his attention. A distant thumping noise from outside. With an arched eyebrow he walked over to the window and peered out through the glass, his curiosity growing after every distant thump. It sounded like it could be artillery, he heard it all the time in basic since the artillery teams practiced not to far from the base, but this was a bit different. There were no explosions, just more thumps echoing one after another. [color=a0410d]“Weird,”[/color] he muttered before looking up towards the sky. A strange feeling began to take over him and before he could figure out what it was he heard yelling from down below. He couldn’t make out the words, but they were urgent and…[color=a0410d]”FUCK!”[/color] he blurted in panic before he just spotted an artillery shell plummeting down towards their position. With a grunt Luke dived away from the window just in time before the shell crashed into the earth outside, shaking the ground below him and shattering the window he was just at. He covered the back of his head with his hands as a storm of splinters and glass rained down upon him, tearing at the back of his hands and pelting the rest of his body. He silently thanked Jean for giving the order to sleep in uniform, if he hadn’t he would be a mess right now. With gritted teeth Luke groaned as his head was still recovering from the shock and pushed himself up from the ground. He stumbled a few times as he tried to get his bearings and looked around the room to see it completely wrecked. Shaking his head clear he managed to hear shouting from below and quickly snatched up his rifle and helmet before bolting for the door, but before he could rip it open it had been kicked in by Victoria. He stumbled back in shock before getting his balance and looking to her, her mask confusing him and making him want answers. [color=a0410d]“What the hell-”[/color] he was cut of she barked orders at him to get his mask on and head downstairs to meet Jean. For a second he was confused. My mask? What the hell for? Why do I need it? Were all the questions he wanted to ask, but he knew now wasn’t the time. Without any complaint he tore his mask out and frantically tried to get on, his breathing becoming rapid as he struggled every step of the way. Finally he managed to get it on and ran out of his room, glancing back towards Victoria as she continued to go door to door getting everyone and felt a worried frown come to his face before bolting for the stairs. He practically leaped down the stairs, his heart pumping and the chaos growing even greater around him as he reached the bottom. He looked around, his eyes wide in shock as he looked through his mask to see nothing but panic. Civilians left and right in a state of utter panic as they scrambled to flee to safety, wherever that may be. He noticed Isaac and another woman, Britta maybe, rushing to get the civilians to safety, shouting muffled orders through the mask. What the hell was going on!? Where was the enemy!? Wasn’t this a fucking neutral zone!? Luke gritted his teeth in anger, but soon he could hear the sound of desperate choking and violent coughing come from outside. Quickly he ran to the window his intention to set up at the window with his rifle and get ready for a fight, but froze as he was met with the most horrifying sight of his life. A world of sickly yellow smoke gradually spreading across the air, seemingly consuming everything and everyone it could. Inside the smoke however froze his heart and forced him to take a step back in terror. Several people, mostly civilians choking, vomiting blood and bile and falling to the cold pavement as they writhed in agony, their gasp for air only filling their lungs with more of the twisted and deadly fumes that surrounded them. [color=a0410d]“God…”[/color] was all he could mutter in a shaking and muffled voice. Soon the shouting from Isaac and Britta brought him back to his senses and snapped back towards them guiding the civilians out of the inn to get away from the smoke. Quickly he remembered who he was, what he was trained for and why he was here. With a deep breath he quickly bolted for the backdoor, pushing his way through the panicked crowd. [color=a0410d]"I'll check to see if the back is clear!"[/color] he shouted to both Isaac and Britta as he rushed past them. As he reached the door he kicked it in and quickly got a look around the area. The smoke was getting closer, but he could see a small opening that would lead them away from the deadly fumes. [color=a0410d]“Through here! Hurry! Everyone out the back, there’s an opening for you all to escape through!”[/color] he barked through his mask. Luckily a few civilians noticed him through their panic and rushed past him and through the opening, fleeing deeper into the city and away from the yellow cloud of death. [color=a0410d]“Escape deeper into the city! Move it! Move it! GO!!”[/color] he ordered with desperation as he saw the cloud gradually grow closer. All of the civilians may not make it, but damnit he had to save whoever he could. [@Smike][@FalloutJack]