[@QueenNugget] Damien was debating about whether or not to accept candy from the student? teacher? Whoever this lady was that almost got him detention. In the end, he decided against it, as much as he'd love some food right now, he didn't trust her. Those authoritarian types kept him on edge. Everyone seemed to be recollecting themselves after their failed attempt to get into the forest. Damien was certain that he could find some way to get into forest, however. If not today, then tomorrow, or maybe next week. This failed expedition weighed little on him for the moment. He was about to turn to Rhea to suggest they head back when he heard his name being shouted. He turned to see a [i]short[/i], red haired, teenager wearing a rather promiscuous outfit come running towards him. [i]Huh, they look familiar...wait is that..?[/i] He had no time to finish his train of thought when the red-haired teen closed the distance between them and threw their arms around him. [Color=Thistle]"Oh, hey Reniere,"[/color] Damien managed to say, a little startled to find them here. [Color=Thistle]"And I know I am, but you're still short as ever."[/color] He said derisively and grinned, looking down at Reniere.