At the Alfea ball the girls were talking about Musa being bisexual as she is dating Zion slash IA. " Is Zion bisexual? Uh girl we use dildos sometimes, if IA get it I'm very sure Zion will recall her pleasure with it, Zion will either go bisexual or stay as IA, the brain cannot have two masters, Zion or Ia's life will be worshipped by his her mind regardless in the end. Knowing Zion, he got rules IA stay lesbian and himself straight. That fool bisexual girl, just with limits never cross the line his rules. I think Zion don't messed with guys romantically is because bisexual gay boy life is another man's bitch regardless what the LGBT say." The green haired girl said. " But IA don't mind being another woman's bitch though, just that prison talk in reverse. Girl I see Cinder, he so cute." The blue hair girl said. The blue hair girl approached Cinder blushing at him waving her hair back.