[Center=Dead Center][h1][Color=IndianRed]Reniere Damele[/color][/h1] [@Canidae][/Center] Pulling away from Damien, Reniere furrowed their eyebrows and acted offended, putting a manicured hand to their chest. [Color=IndianRed]"Don't be so rude! I didn't choose to be born with short legs you know, and I just happen to find my height satisfactory, but apparently you don't. Maybe I can make up for it?~"[/color] Reniere ended, smiling and giving an obvious wink, inching closer. [Color=IndianRed]"But anyhow, what's going on? It seems that others around here are covered in, what is that? Dirt? I dunno, but it seems fun, why wasn't I invited?"[/color] They glanced around the area, looking at the other people Damien seemed to be with. What was that? Was there a girl hanging in a tree? And there seemed to be another guy talking to Polyanna. Reniere made a mental note to talk to him later. There was another person with red hair sitting on the ground who was also covered in dirt, and another younger girl it seemed, underneath of the girl in the tree. [Color=IndianRed][i]Huh. Where's Rhea?[/i][/color] They thought, and not even a moment later, they heard their name being called by a familiar sounding voice. [Color=FA8072]"Reniere! Also, don't mind the dirt. I tried my best to get it all off."[/color] Turning around, Reniere noticed their friend approach, a large smile on her face as she enveloped them in a hug. [Color=IndianRed]"Hey girl! Sorry it took so long, you know how mornings for me go,"[/color] they sighed, pointing to their makeup. [Color=IndianRed]"And that's fine. You'll just have to tell me about it later.[/color] [Color=FA8072]"Haha, no problem! I'm just glad you're here. You're lucky though, Damien and I just about got detention and I was ready to book it the hell outta here.[/color] [Color=IndianRed]"I bet you were. Ida ran with you,"[/color] they smiled. Turning back to Damien, they said,[color=IndianRed] "Well anyway, should we go round up the others? You guys seemed to be with them, [i]and[/i] if you didn't know already, there's a big ass mall here that I've been [i]dying[/i] to go to all summer. Maybe we can even consider it a date,"[/color] Reniere gave another wink to Damien.