Penelope watched her brother stalk off before turning back to Crow. She smiled as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. The knight gave an amused look as he admitted that he had just wanted to bother Layth further. "I can never be too sure when it comes to you and food." she pointed out with a small smirk. As he asked if she had talked to Mia, her smirk broadened into a grin and she nodded her head. Reaching into her pocket, she retrieved the papers that the baroness had given her and held them up with a hint of pride in her gaze. "I did and it looks like you're going to be stuck with me for a while." Penelope explained joyfully. Aside from the work she wanted to do in the inner kingdom, she was excited that she wouldn't have to be parting from Crow for such a long time. Even if they had to put some distance between each other, it was still better than going for who knows how long without seeing him at all. She swept her gaze over their surroundings before reaching to briefly take his hand in hers giving it an affectionate squeeze. The knight would have liked to close the distance between them completely but being so close to her camp, she knew they couldn't risk it."At least for two months.. If I don't make any progress convincing your father by then, I have to come back." she added with a shrug as she put the papers away once more. Her smile wavered slightly at the thought. The knight was trying to remain hopeful that she would be able to make progress by then. Not only just so she could stay with Crow longer but also because of the danger Toreus had warned her about if the war didn't cease. She couldn't afford to fail. Trying not to dwell too much on the possibilities, she gave Crow a small smile and let got of his hand before beginning to turn to lead the way into her camp. "Come on, I'll take you to your tent."