Kjolmar nodded at Olli's explanation of Lunar's symbol. "I have never been to Sinnoh, so I must admit that I lack the knowledge of your hometown. What is it like? Isn't it too cold there? Mine lies in Unova and mostly has businessmen and skyscrapers. We also have a beautiful harbor, in fact, that's where I first met Gyarados. Well, it was still a Magikarp back then, but it evolved on my tenth birthday. Talk about a strong starter pokemon to begin your journey with, right? I don't know how it got there in the first place, Magikarp are not exactly a common sight in Unova. I guess fate was smiling upon me." When Olli's holocauster showed a message of a mysterious female, Kjolmar looked a bit worried. "What was that all about? Who is this C. person and why does she claim that stone is hers?"