As Naja took on the defensive, she somewhat got aware of the others of her team going on the offensive. She noted Llexe launching herself in, and… so violent! It wouldn’t normally be an issue, honestly Naja herself was equally violent, but Naja had [i]just[/i] thrown her target [i]out[/i] the building [i]specifically[/i] to avoid hurting the any part of the shop, the floor included! … She has claws on those gauntlets, huh. It did look like Llexe took a pretty bad hit, but she seemed utterly unaffected so perhaps she didn’t even need to dodge that. Light was playing with some of them and Christopher was engaging a few outside. Meanwhile, Kiyoshi was moving to take apart some opponents with his sword… though not literally, she was observing. Somewhere out there Sam acted as a literal wall that their opponents just couldn’t escape against. With those monsters outside, Llexe in here threatening to kill them and Kiyoshi swinging a sword with movements like a blur, it somehow came to be that the few remaining, panicked gang-members saw the muscular cyborg as their best chance. Honestly, she wasn’t sure if they were wrong. If they somehow took her down, they’d have hostages. Which, of course, was the very reason Naja placed herself here. Two of them were running in to punch her. Their simple plan was that coming from two directions made them more likely to win. It made sense, but their style… it was untrained. This was just sad. Rule number one of taking on multiple opponents… take them on one by one. Before they reached her, she sprung forth to meet the one on her right, fists raised to punch. He raised his fists to guard his face… so Naja punched him once in the gut with her right hand, doubling the guy before her second fist struck him him in the face, knocking him out, and the hand in his gut held onto his clothing so he didn’t fly into the wall. The second guy pursued her to strike her from the side. Naja spun towards him, still holding attacker #1 in her right hand as her right metal foot flew up to almost strike her opponent’s head. He blocked it with his left arm, but his whole guard cracked after blocking Naja’s high-power metal leg. He shouted, and was about to career into the wall of the store’s goods… when Naja jumped from left to right leg bringing up her left leg in a swift kick into the man’s side from the other side, nullifying his movement and knocking him out. Her left hand quickly flew forth to grab him by his clothing before he fell into anything. [color=ffb75e]‘You’re safe for now, we got you,’[/color] Naja told the couple as she gently put the two Tunnel Snakes on the floor, no harm done to the store on her expense. Nobody took her on after that. +2 KOs. Total: 13 KOs, 3 injured, 1 winded and 1 fighting Light. 2 unaccounted for, but they’re probably pretty scared by now.