Allister looked at Eliezer as he cleared the table and looked away for a second. “I had checked on her for you since she had no record in this town or in the other kingdom you suspected her to be from Lunar.” He explained to him as had all the dishes in his hands and had the young prince follow him and had another servent take the tray of dishes. “As head butler of this castle my job is to make sure you are safe so I might have pushed her buttons a few times prying for information but I will say this.” He said as he had the prince enter his office. “That girl has no knowledge she is from Lunar from what I can tell her parents never told her a way to probably protect her.” Allister said as he sat in his chair and pulled the map out and showed Eliezer where the forest was where the raid happened and where Raven lived and the distance from from Lunar and their kingdom. “It is a few good miles away from the main kingdom but it is in Lunar territory and not many nobles go into the forest for it mainly consist of wood cutters, farmers, and other simple jobs that the low class do and take it into the main part of Lunar to sell.” Allister explained to the young prince. “Her parents if indeed her farther was noble which I truly do believe due to that pocketwatch she posses I think they changed their laws name to hid themeelves and Raven from his family.” Allister said to him as he looked at the young prince. “I believe her father was protecting Raven from the nobility world not because he wanted her to be called insignificant because he was scared his family would take her away and prevent them getting to her for some nobility will practice taking their grandchildren away from their own when they marry outside their rank they will disown their children but take the first born grandchild by force and raise it as their own claiming its their son or daughter when reality they are not.” Allister finished explaining to the prince. “Her parents must of not wanted to happen so to protect her more is to move in an area away from nobles and royalty would not dare to go too then kept her in the dark who her grandparents are and where they reside originally to make sure raven did not suffer the same fate her father went through before meeting her mother.” Allister said as he sat back in his chair. Allister looked at the prince Eliezer and was debating on revealaing what he learned but feared that the walls have ears lately for he had felt like he has been spied on. “But from what I did learn is that you can not tell her this for I was able to coax her mothers name and maiden name and I learned that her mother is actually my sister...........meaning Raven is actually my niece.” Allister said looking at Eliezer dead in the eye when he revealed that small part of what he actually knew. “My missing sisters daughter and to only learn my sister is dead and I have a niece soI have no clue how to really react around the girl now.” Allister said with a sigh as he sat back in is chair waiting for his reaction.