Penelope glanced over at Crow as he spoke up to answer Gavin. While Olivia didn't seem to push for more of an explanation, Gavin, on the other hand, wasn't willing to just accept the information they had given him. The male knight was reeling from it all and it made her a little nervous about how far he'd try to dig in order for things to make sense to him. Her worries seemed to be rather reasonable ones too as Crow's explanation of knowing other languages still wasn't enough for the knight. She met Crow's look with a faint frown, unsure what to say to get Gavin to quit looking for more information. The knight expected that Crow would be able to get out of it and was a bit surprised when the thief resigned to telling the two the truth. As he admitted to being the king's firstborn son, her gaze shifted over to the other two, who now stared at him with a fresh wave of shock. It appeared secret had even stunned Olivia into silence. After a moment passed, Gavin raked a hand nervously through his hair and shifted his gaze over to Penelope. "You... you knew... How long have you known?" "A long time. Before Mannering even became the king." she admitted with a small shrug. She looked over at Crow and reached to take his hand. "I didn't think it'd ever change anything though." "Gods this is more than I was expecting." Olivia laughed. She shook her head and winked at Crow. "I never would have guessed that I was hanging around royalty." Gavin studied Crow with a hard to read expression. Whatever it was, Penelope could tell he was looking at him in a new light. They had been on better terms since the incident with Jaxon but she guessed that he was trying to figure out how to act around the thief now that he was coming to terms with the news. After all, Crow would out rank him.