Penelope nodded her head as he finished explaining the reasoning for the king giving him the title of viceroy. She was still a bit iffy on how much she trusted Albin's explanation for wanting to make up for past mistakes—mainly due to her father's influence since he seemed to think the king had an ulterior motive—but regardless that was how things had developed. "So..." Gavin spoke up slowly, avoiding eye contact with Crow as he instead looked to Penelope. "What does that mean for you?" She blinked at the question and gave a small shrug. "Well, it means I won't be leaving." she admitted with a half smile. The knight glanced over at Crow before looking back to the male knight. "With him becoming the viceroy, there wouldn't be any status difference getting in our way so, we're going to live together as nobles rather than peasants." "What about your father? You were pretending to still be courting Gavin last I checked." Olivia asked curiously. "Is he going to be ok with you suddenly breaking off that courtship for a new one with a noble who was once a thief?" "Well about him..." Penelope scratched the back of her head and gave an embarrassed smile. "He sorta found out about us on the trip...It didn't go over very well at first but I think he's coming around." "That's good." Gavin mumbled, glancing off to the side. The male knight let out a sigh and then recovered giving her a faint smile. "I'm glad you won't be leaving us then." "Yeah.. Although I will be leaving the warfront for a while. I'm going to be traveling back to the castle with him tomorrow." Penelope told them. "What! You're already going to leave again?" Olivia pouted. She looked over at her friend and gave a small smile. "Sorry. I'm trying to convince the king to look for a peaceful end to the war and I got Mia to approve of me leaving for two months at the least. So I guess you'll have to fill in for me a little longer Gavin." Penelope nodded to the male knight. "I'll do my best." Gavin promised with a nod. He paused and then got up to his feet. "We should get going.. It's getting late and you two have quite a bit of traveling to do tomorrow." He paused and dipped his head to Crow. "Congratulations." he muttered.