[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190403/42fe961ae082b60e7bb032c6011e37ff.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/aIK6Nu9.gif[/img] [sub][color=D2691E][b]Location[/b] ▶[/color] Headmistresses Quarters [color=D2691E][b]Time[/b] ▶[/color] Late Into The Night [b][color=D2691E]Interactions ▶[/color][/b] Mystery [/sub] [hr] [color=708090][b]"Miss Woods, how are you this fine evening?"[/b][/color] The deep tone startled the brunette woman, her heart skipping a beat as she glanced over to the plush chesterfield chair that was settled in the corner of the room, a shadowed figure lounged and basked in the comfort of being hidden from view. Her initial fear settled as she realized who is was, her lips curling into a look of displeasure. [color=D2691E]"Spare me the pleasantries, what do you want?"[/color] she demanded, she did not like being intruded upon at such late an hour. The figure let out an impatient sigh, shaking their head before speaking. [b][color=708090]"So hostile, I simply want to know how your precious students are doing, it's been an entire week since the festivities have started and we wish to know how things fare."[/color][/b] Charille let out a short laugh as she crossed her arms over her chest, lifting a brow quizzically. [color=D2691E]"Cut the crap, I know what you want to know and like I told you before, it will take some time. We have to observe, we don't want to screw up again. You know what happened last time, it completely backfired on us." [/color] The figure was silent almost as if they were contemplating her words. [color=708090][b]"I suppose you are right but we are growing impatient, or rather the others are."[/b][/color] The Headmistress turned her head to stare out the window that overlooked the entire university. [color=D2691E]"Then tell them the same thing I'm telling you, wait. Perfection takes time and like I said before - we don't want another screw up."[/color] Silence ensued for several moments before the deep tone echoed through the dark room, [color=708090][b]"Then we wait. However Miss Woods make sure that it goes right this time, we will not tolerate another failure."[/b] [/color] The figure seemed to fade into nothingness, as if they hadn't really been there at all. Charille stared at the empty chair for awhile before getting to her feet and moving to the window, no...she could not fail again. [hr] [hider=Students and what classes they are in] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Divination[/b][/u][/color] [i]Karina, Imani, Evanora, Meredith, Marcus[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Healing[/b][/u][/color] [i]Imani, Ozzy, Alaric, Nadia[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Potions[/b][/u][/color] [i]Karina, Maxwell, Marcus, Johida, Nadia[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Herbology[/b][/u][/color] [i]Imani, Johida, Dana, Wyatt[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Alchemy[/b][/u][/color] [i]Meredith, Brooke, Marcus, Johida [/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Soul Restoration[/b][/u][/color] [i]Brooke, Dana, Anastasia, Wyatt[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Resurrection[/b][/u][/color] [i]Anastasia[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Elemental Magic[/b][/u][/color] [i]Karina, Maxwell, Brooke, Ozzy, Johida, Dana, Wyatt, Nadia[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Destruction[/b][/u][/color] [i]Alaric, Alistair, Nadia[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Summoning[/b][/u][/color] [i]Karina[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Necromancy[/b][/u][/color] [i]Maxwell, Dana[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Curses-advanced[/b][/u][/color] [i]Maxwell, Alistair[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Curses-Beginners[/b][/u][/color] [i]Evanora, Anastasia [/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Foreign Magic[/b][/u][/color] [i]Ozzy, Alaric, Alistair[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Mythical Creatures[/b][/u][/color] [i]Alaric, Anastasia, Wyatt[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Astral Projection[/b][/u][/color] [i]Evanora, Meredith, Marcus, Alistar[/i] [color=1a7b30][u][b]Magic with crystals[/b][/u][/color] [i]Evanora [/i][/hider] [hider=School Schedule] [sub]((If you do not have class in the time frame you are free to do what you wish))[/sub] [color=1a7b30][b]6am[/b][/color] [i]- First bell rings. Breakfast starts at 6:30am. Classes begin at 8am.[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]8am[/b][/color][i] - Potions in one class/Herbology In another/Resurrection in another[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]9am[/b][/color][i] - Alchemy in one class/Summoning in another/Necromancy in another[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]10am[/b][/color][i] - Soul Res in one class/Adv. Curses in one[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]11am[/b][/color][i] - A Study Hall[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]12pm[/b][/color][i] - Lunch begins[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]1:30pm[/b][/color][i] - Lunch ends and classes start again[/i] [i]Elemental in one class/Crystals in another[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]2:30pm[/b][/color][i] - Destruction in one class/Begg. Curses in another[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]3:30pm[/b][/color][i] - Mythical in one class/Astral in another[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]4:30pm[/b][/color][i] - Foreign Magic in one class[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]5:30pm[/b][/color][i] - Divination in one class/Healing in another[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]6:30pm[/b][/color][i] - All classes end for the day. Student are free to do what they wish. After school activities start at[/i] [color=1a7b30][b]6:00pm.[/b][/color] [i]-Cafeteria is open all day long.[/i] [i]-Library is open all day long.[/i] [i]-Faculty is available as long as they are not teaching a class.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Bedroom Layout...bad drawing incoming.] The rooms are all surrounded by a very thick velvet curtain. [img]https://i.imgur.com/fvP5tVk.png[/img] [/hider] [url=https://i.imgur.com/heYnnzv.png]School map - Imagine it being 2x bigger[/url] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190404/971791ef662e2aee81517e622bf4dafc.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wJvTwQr.gif[/img] [sub][color=6ecff6]Location ▶[/color] Starting at the bathrooms and ending in the cafeteria.[/sub] [sub][color=6ecff6]Time ▶[/color] 5:45am at the start ending around 6:20am[/sub] [sub][color=6ecff6]Interactions/Mentions ▶[/color] [@Tootsiepop][/sub] _______________________________________________________ Karina was up even before the loud church bell began to toll, it's massive tone echoing and sounding through the entire school. She wasn't sure why she had woken up so early but was glad, it gave the girl time to have the showers all to herself before a flood of screaming women came running through. It felt amazing to just relax in the calming waters of the public bath that all the girls shared, however once she did hear the bell Karina made sure to wrap it up, she really didn't feel like interacting with anyone. Besides she needed to make sure she looked her best, there was no way she was going to let Alistair see her looking like a hot mess...even if he really didn't pay her attention. As the girl's began to move about Karina was already shuffling into the large space in which all of them slept, quickly she slipped into her private little hole, bringing the think velvet curtain shut for privacy. [b][color=6ecff6]"You'd think with all the money they had they could afford to give us actual rooms."[/color][/b] While that point had been brought up on multiple occasions the school claimed that sharing a living space brought the Witches closer together. A Witch could only trust another Witch, so why hide anything from each other? Karina still thought it was idiotic. [color=f7941d]"Hey Rina, can I borrow a hair clip?"[/color] A familiar red-head popped her head into Karina's space, vivid emerald eyes looking her up and down with obvious interest. [b][color=6ecff6]"Agh! Get out of here!"[/color][/b] She cried, she was stark naked save for the bra she had just put on. Karina grabbed a pillow and tossed it at the head though only landed on curtain as the head retreated. Several giggles could be heard and Karina frowned, couldn't Heather and her junkies find someone else to bother? Hurriedly she dressed herself and grabbed her book bag before fleeing from the waking girls, she wanted no part in anymore shenanigans. Besides the early bird gets the worm when it came to breakfast, being late meant you were getting oatmeal, get to the cafeteria early and you got the hot and ready buffet. Once she got there she got a plate of waffles and some yogurt before settling down at one of the tables, people who passed by completely ignored her. She didn't have the best reputation, she was "Too blunt" or "rude". It wasn't her fault, she'd been taught to never hold back her feelings or thoughts. Guess she had to earn the title "Ice Princess" somehow. But that title was also a downfall, Karina wanted friends but because people thought she was "cold" no on wanted to approach her. She sighed as she moved the waffles around on her plate. [/center]