[@Zaphander] His resistance and the second option for his phone (a hero agency, or the school) are ok. However, I'm sorry, but I can't accept your quirk if he doesn't have at least a time limit for how long he can keep it active. Everything is mostly alright, but a transformation quirk should always have a maximum time limit that is usually based on either a character's stamina, like Eijiro and Tetsutetsu, or by how long they can use it without gimping themselves because of the inherent disadvantages their quirks bring about (like becoming unable to breath among other things, like Mirio). Learning to expand the limits of a transformation is usually the biggest improvement a character that has one of them can achieve. By having no time limit/disadvantages for the transformation at all, you are negating any chances of this happening. [@Ruler Inc] Your character is basically ok with me. Just like let me one thing. How much can she use her quirk at once? Like everyone else, she needs some kind of limit for how long/how many times she can do it. I'm just asking for comparison's sake anyway, since this will set up a point from which to work your character's training. [@Eviledd1984] Apologies, but I'm going to have to reject you. Your CS shows so little lack of care that I can't even consider accepting an application from you even if you redo it from zero. If you still want to try again, you can do so and appeal to [@TheWindel] and [@SimpleWriter]. My opinion likely won't change.