[@Kinjaav][@Cio] [h2][i][color=crimson]Lucifer[/color][/i][/h2][hr] [color=crimson]"Well, I would prefer that she not eat the clientele downstairs,"[/color] he said with a half-smile. [color=crimson]"I still need to afford my living and I can't do that if my business gains a reputation of a slaughterhouse."[/color] Lucifer looked to the creature now in his bathtub. There was something innocent and childlike about the way she was watching them from the safety of the water's surface. Then he sighed deeply. [color=crimson]"We'll figure something out."[/color] Aava's playful splashing made a couple of puddles on the floor beneath Lucifer and Evren. Standing and retrieving a plush powder blue towel from the silver rack, he used his foot to mop up the water on the floor with it. [color=crimson]"It seems you're quite fond of this creature, Evren,"[/color] he said. [color=crimson]"And if she is a friend of yours, then I will do my best to carve out a decent living situation for her here. But you said she was in Finland the last time you saw her? How did she get all the way to Redhaven?"[/color]