The Tunnel Snakes had proven that they were little to no threat, getting trounced and tossed away at every opportunity. With the majority of them unconscious and the remaining either injured or too scared to fight back, it seemed that victory was all but assured. The women huddling in the corner still hid behind their counter, but risked peaking to watch the mayhem unfold. The sound of two motorcycle engines revving interrupted the fight. Two women, perfectly identical in appearance, clothing, even down to their dyed hair, pulled up to the fight. The remaining Tunnel Snakes gave the duo their attention. The women hopped off of their bikes, the one on the left blowing a bubble as the one on the left spoke. "How long does it take to get protection money from on measly run down store, eh? Look at all this, your getting your asses handed to you. And what exactly are you supposed to be?" she gestured in the direction of Light. "Halloween is a long ways off." "Viper! Cobra! These guys are freakishly strong! They're like the Six Disasters' best fighters!" called out one of the remaining thugs. "Is that right?" asked the twin with the bubblegum. "Well then I guess it's time to really make a name for the Tunnel Snakes. If we can beat their butts then the Six Disasters will have to recognize us." "Sounds like a plan, sis." Both immediately took a fighting stance, with the one on the left, Viper, drawing two short knives, while Cobra on the right produced razor-tipped fans. The Tunnel Snakes rallied to their leaders, even inspiring some of the knocked out ones to rejoin the battle. [center][h3][b]Mini-Bosses Approach: Viper and Cobra[/b][/h3] [img][/img] [b]Style:[/b] Back to back teamwork - Viper and Cobra never stray far from one another, using Viper's knives for fast offense and Cobra's fans for a defensive flourish. Skilled, but individually no threat. Together they make a moderately strong team. [b]Ability:[/b] Mook inspiration - Eight Tunnel Snakes have rallied around their leaders, inspired to fight harder than before. [b]Threat Level:[/b] Warm-up[/center]