[Center][color=darkslategray][h1]Edmond Grandure[/h1][/color][/center] [center]Location: Unknown, New York[/center] Edmond was settled in front of a computer in a dark room looking through spread sheets. There were no windows in this room, and the only entrance was a door held slightly ajar at the far end of the room, opposite of his desk. As he flipped between the pages absorbing the data they contained, strategizing his next course of action soft foot steps broke the silence. Without looking away from the computer screen Edmond spoke, "I see that you have returned with my package." A figure stood silently just inside the room, leaning against the door that was now wide open. The room was too dark to make out anything identifiable of this individual other than he was male and shorter than average. Holding up a briefcase that shined ever so slightly from the little light illuminating the room. Turning around in his chair, Edmond looked at the case. "Perfect." "Have you found any new prospects worth investigating?" the mysterious stranger finally spoke. He walked into the room and placed the briefcase on the desk just past Edmond. He then walked around to the couch that sat in the middle of the room facing the wall. "I have found a couple, however, unlike this last one they'll be harder to reach. Surprisingly they are the sort who don't care to leave. And if they do, they're pretty good at hiding it." replied Edmond with slight sarcasm. He turned back to his desk and opened the metallic briefcase, whatever was inside glowed brighter than all the light in the room. Smiling, he closed it again, and tucked it at his side just under his desk. "So we will have to go in after them?" the mysterious figure spoke. turning his head so he could see Edmond in his peripheral vision. "Not yet. I have no need for them immediately, so there isn't a reason to risk exposing ourselves. Besides, it's not like we don't know where they are. The walls of the compound are good at keeping in the cattle." Edmond turned back to his computer screen. He switched the screen to another page. There displayed was a 2D aerial view map of the entire city. Sprinkled across it were little red blips. Zooming the map to focus on the compound, this was where a majority of the blips were conjugated. One of the blips was blue, and it was currently meandering around what looked to be a plaza. "But if things keep progressing as they are, we might have to act sooner."